How lovely

in #philippines6 years ago (edited)


Few weeks ago I attended another cosplay. Well like most it was fun to see millenials on their ornately decorated costumes but one particular contestant simply blew me away. IMG_20190224_184317.jpg

SHE was the epitome of beauty to me. Those curves, the flawless skin, the youthful hair and the bewitching eyes. Honestly, I thought she was the character herself. She was perfection herself Venus in flesh alpha female!
As I scrutinize her I can't help ask what about cosplay attracts her than a beauty pageant or a fashion runaway? She could be anywhere than in on a cosplay competition.

Well it might be it's for her to get confidence as its no joke parading in strange costume to the scrutiny of everyone if your outfit matches to the animated character you portray. Maybe it's for her to get the media exposure to commercials ,acting or modelling career. Or simply to earn friends. This I am sure though she is doing what makes her happy. As its no secret this hobby demands BIG budget as everything is customized .

As I await on them to come out after their presentation I can only imagine the commitment they have for their craft. I mingled with whole family into cosplay and mind you in above picture this girl in black combat sexy gear and her mom travelled all the way from Davao just to compete. From head to toe ,her mom sewed it herself. Imagine the love into this pieces of art.


So win or lose I suppose it doesn't matter to a true blood cosplayer.
As I find myself in awe of their creativity I can't help feel envious because compared to them my childhood was pretty boring and awkward even.Me observing this event is satisfying my deprived childhood ,born in a third class province to regular government employee with four kids to raise,the possibility of me being in one if it was popular then would still be a wishful thinking and my parents are too practical to indulge in such. I wonder if these participants even know how lucky they can be with all the support they get. IMG_20190224_170419.jpg


Since it was my rest day I pondered how lovely it would be to pursue ones passion and be paid for it. I heard apart from contest prices, professional fee for guesting few lucky ones end up as highly paid actors or actress in many science fiction movies. How wonderful life would be if you could have a work space that doesn't involve an 8 to 5pm shift scrutinized by bosses and tied to your workload. IMG_20190224_185925.jpg

What a swell idea it would be to be a superhero or heroine of in on an adventure to distant planet compared to be stucked in your swivel chair. Yes, these thoughts ruminates into my consciousness as I pose with everyone I can click my lens to.

I heard that there is a cosplay association that frequenty visit a cancer center for kids. I have yet to join in one of their event though. Imagine the laughter they bring to those kids. Not to many people have this gift or the heart for such stuff.
While I write this I paused in between sigh because of a friend I lost to cancer. Young as she was she succombed to it three days ago. I wonder would she have regreted being in her Wonder Woman suit or cheering like me. Adulthood comes with too many responsibilities that sometimes I need to pinch myself not to overpack my schedule so I can take time to do what pleases me. Life is indeed too short to just keep postponing what makes your heart quiver with delight. IMG_20190224_183554.jpg

So my message on this Monday morning folks is this find time to seek for what's lovely in this life. Long life is a privilege of the few. But who needs eternity if you'd live tour best life in every second .Carpa Diem my friends

Till next post,

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