Holy Week 2019 what's it for us

in #philippines5 years ago (edited)


Few days ago I passed by this procession on my way to work. Catholics like me know it's customary during Holy week. It's always a sight to hold lavish as they are. In most places these floats are adorned with beautiful fresh flowers ,dramatic lighting and antique religious icons which are mostly family heirloom. IMG_20190417_125852.jpg


Devotees would parade around town these images of saints and God despite the monetary cost and manpower it entails all in the name of giving glory.Some would raise eyebrows saying these are acts of hypocrites but to me I prefer not judge said its not right as I am but a sinner myself. Irregardless of they flagged themselves or have themselves crucified like Jesus during this Lenten season is their choice and we need to respect that as much as we respect people who don't avoid meat in these days and opt to use the long holidays for trips abroad or somewhere else with friend and family. IMG_20190417_125748.jpg
If they change after playing the disciples, or not it's not our place to out labels on anyone. Religion is afterall a personal matter. So on a side note how one use his money be it for saving marine life, addressing poverty or rebuilding the 800year old Notre Dame church which was charred few days ago due to electrical issues is of her or his damn business thus debating about it on social network is to me a complete waste of my time


I enjoy watching these parades and that's just that. This is how I express my spirituality apart from the volunteer work and acts of charity that I do in my own way. To be honest, I think these practise so spark interest to a foreigners who isn't accustomed to passionate display of affection to his God.
bottom line, as long as you recall how he suffered and died on that cross for your sins I guess these practices had done you good.

Symbolism is a big part of Christianity. Once again these are explained in the sermons .A great example would be the Palm Sunday to commemorate how people then welcomed and later crucified the Lord. Despite some vendors overpricing these I still opt to buy some to remind me not to be so fickle with my faith.


Despite my busy schedule me and my friend Anna did the "bisita Iglesia ".In case you're wondering what's that it means going to seven churches and reciting the rosary .Usually religious icons are covered with violet clothes until Easter Sunday. IMG20190418094216.jpg

This is a great opportunity to see old churches which Cebu has a lot of. If you're asking for suggestions where to see century old church I say you go south. IMG20190418132051.jpg


What foods are expected around this time. Topping the list is "binignit"like above picture. It's made from coconut milk, sweet yam, banana etc.

Because meat is being abstained many people consume fish dried or fresh. IMG20190419105801.jpg

I hate to say I miss home around this time but adulting demands I work so I try my best to do as much as possible to feel the moment. My take on the significance of the moment is this -its the best time to do self reflection and to be grateful .And yes to find forgiveness for your self and for others
The funny thing about forgiveness is you free yourself more and you don't get to relived the hurtful moments over and over again. This year I hope I find it in my heart to let go of someone I cared for deeply but betrayed me many times.
Yes he broke my heart I barely survived yet I am commited to letting all the pain go as it no longer serve me to keep them. I don't want him to haunt me for the rest of my life. I don't want him to rub me off the joys of being alive as its a privilege given to a few.
I understand the herculean task of rebuilding a life without him but with God's help it's feasible.I hope I find it in my heart to bless him despite all the evil things he has done to me. Its these days I praised God the most for loyal friends, supportive family, work and volunteer service that kept me sane as I went through the painful ordeal of losing a decade relationship. I bet had it not for them I would most likely slept through my life like most. Rejection and betrayal hurt to the core so I in way empathize with God when his disciples betrayed him for a couple of bucks or for their safety.


I understand that this week is special to us Christians because God's love surpasses any human love. His love is a constant reminder for me to accept things as they are with the serenity and faith.
It's challenging to abstain from things your mortal body crave but if you look deeper not everything we desire brings us good. So I hope this week be a good avenue for anyone to practise self control and discover it can be done.I will let him take full reigns of my life in all its aspects including matters of the heart.


I suppose we get so insensitive how this ungodly decision corrupts us and hurts others that we go through life not ruminating the impact of our life in others.Lent season force us to see God's selflessness and enjoining us to be like him. So yes I love this solemn week not only. For lack of traffic and ear breaking karaoke from neighbors or partying but also because it allows me to dig deep into emotions I kept brushing off.


How did you spend your Holy week ?I hope it was productive.Lif rid short indeed but if we'll lived out legacy will live on. Jesus has died several centuries ago yet his words still touch our hearts and his truths are still helpful to those who listen. So I suppose death really is not the end of us all. Also, like as the bible says it best in everything there is a season so am most grieving ends we celebrate Easter .
As a child I look forward to Easter Bunny and the egg hunt. But freeing old I realize there is more to that. To me its about finding hope in every struggle one is in. Usually most Filipinos would flock to the beach with all its cleansing power and I would not be different.
For now I'll enjoy my fish, fruit and veggie diet. I'd dig into the temptation of biting into that crispy roasted pork "lechon "maybe when this week is done but also Is try to minimize my intake as its savoury taste like most evil acts are delightfully sinful.
FYI I eat my share of lechon before this sacred week. Sure it was sumptuos as always but I must admit it's risky to my aging heart in the long run .If not for. Catechism class I wouldn't even know devils where expelled out and into pigs in God's time.So maybe it makes sense why some. religion bans their consumption. Vegan diet is something new to me but i resolved to give it a try after this celebration. IMG20190416120206.jpg

Till next post,

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