Dear Diary: The Food and Drinks that I Can't and Want to Eat

in #philippines7 years ago (edited)


Insert Food Here

As a dialysis patient there are many restrictions in my diet and among these are the things that will affect my body's chemistry and in the long run create dramatic changes like you are seeing on me today and it is just in my case I was a victim of a mismanaged and mediocre health care in my country that it caused me to suffer the type of chronic and progressive condition that I have.

Some foods just makes me feel ill and some just makes me uneasy and uncomfortable. On the drink side, the cola is the number one on the list because it has the phosphoric acid that acts as a stabilizer to the food coloring of the cola. In the body, it is a phosphorus and it elevates it in my blood and in turn it makes me itch all over and it is not good. Upon learning for myself that it was the case, I never did drink some again. It is just bad to drink and it affects the bone health even for normal people.

This one falls in the food-drink category that I want but can't to drink and eat. The buffalo or carabao's milk. It is a kind of milk that I grew up drinking because my mother would buy for us and make it a companion for a fried rice, cooked, rice and the morning bread that we eat before going to school. It is way tastier than a cow's milk because of its fat. Milk in general is restricted for me because again due to it's high phosphorus.

There many items in the food side that I wanted to eat really. The restricted one's that I can't eat are the ones that are high in uric acid and also phosphorus. These are the stews made from pork and from beef innards. I must confess, I do long for these type of foods because they taste yummy but with side-effects like that lingering taste that seems to never go until I get dialyzed and then the elevation of creatinine which makes me feel nauseated and rheumatism as uric acid elevates too.

On the fruit items I just long for some local but rarely sold fruit, the Anonas which is just like a sugar apple in taste. As far as I can remember, I only had it "Once" when my neighbor gave a fruit to my friend and I had some then I never had the chance to see that fruit again. The other fruit that I wanted was the passionfruit, I never had this fruit ever since and I just like the unique taste and the crunchy seeds. My neighbor one gave us some which I made a drink from and the taste really is like no other and I fell inlove with it.

The fruit made me cultivate and successfully grow a vine. I also built a trellis for it but my dear father destroyed it for the reason that he said but he is just a whack maniac on things that I planted so I never did plant again after he stayed home from working abroad.

I like most of the foods I already stated above, one of the local fruit is somewhat cannot be sold in the market because of the nature of its being a fruit itself which is being not able to withstand the transportation traumas that causes to ruin it and it is the star apple. It is rarely sold in the markets.



Good posting

I promise to bring you these fruits when I get home @cryptopie God bless always. ❤️

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