Showcasing Gender Diversity and Broken Families on Philippine TV Ads

in #philippines6 years ago (edited)

Opening the Minds of Filipino Viewers

Gender diversity and broken marriages are only two of those topics that we usually avoid because it is kind of awkward and kind of a taboo because of how we are raised by our parents. These new wave of TV Ads are opening the minds of the Filipinos on a personal level. I'm really happy that these companies are not afraid to tackles these topics on there TV Ads.

Broken Marriage

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I've seen only two commercials for this and it both came from Nestle. I guess it took only one company to step up and tackle this topic. Broken marriage is not something to be ashamed of as long as everyone is doing their part as a parent to their offspring. Nestle is the only company, as far as I know, who is confronting the topic of broken marriage here in Philippine media. If you haven't seen the said TV Ad. Here it is:
Nido Commercial Part 1
Nido Commercial Part 2

As what Adame Orito from the comment section said "The ad clearly sends a positive message that even if circumstances don’t work to give a child the traditional family that a lot of people have, still both parents can raise a child without depriving or compromising the love that their child deserves."

Gender Diversity

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Being part of the LGBTQ+ community is really hard especially here in the Philippines. People tend to get judgmental towards members of the community. I, myself being part of the said community. I'm one of the lucky ones who have been blessed to be alive during these days where Filipinos are starting to accept the fact that we are a valuable part of the society. Some still have that stigma that it's something to be ashamed of when you're part of the LGBTQ+ community, that's why I'm really glad that these big companies are showing that it's OK and that one should be accepted for who he/she really is without judging his/her sexual orientation.

Coming Out

We are really afraid to share who we really are to other people especially our parents but these commercials teaches us that sometimes, our parents already know even though we have yet to tell them the truth. I always shed a tear of joy watching these "coming out" Ads.

Smart Communications
A son is not accepting his dad's friend request as his profile shows that he is gay and has a partner. His dad then asks why he's not accepting the request. He then accepts his friend request and then send a text message to his father telling that he has already accepted him as a friend in facebook.
His father then replies that he also has accepted him for who he really is.

A son uses a perfume specifically for girls. He uses this because his crush likes what he smells. His father usually teases him that he's been dating girls because of what he smells when he comes home. One day he didn't know that he consumed all of it so he went to school without smelling like a girl. He then sees his crush with a girl. He went home heartbroken, so he went straight to his room. He finds a new perfume with a note.
"Son, I know your secret, I Love you" is what the note says

Having Crushes

Having crushes is normal even for us members of the LGBTQ+ community. The following commercials is a fun way of depicting how some of us act when we have crushes.
Globe Communications
Uber PH


The Philippine media and companies are now slowly moving to what really is happening nowadays. We are used to the usual "Perfect Relationship" on tv where we find a perfect family having fun with each other or a boy and a girl having a relationship between each other because it is what we were taught to be right and what seems to be appealing to the mass. Seeing those new wave TV Ads where they are tackling Gender diversity and Broken marriages is like a breath of fresh air from all those fake "Perfect Relationship" TV Ads. I think this is touching the hearts of the masses on a personal level which I think is a really great strategy for companies.


its nice that we are already catching up with the times :)
btw, bakit ang daming welcome dun sa comment XD

dba? dba? can't wait for those days na people won't look at other people with those judgmental eyes. hehe.
Ewan ko din bakit sila nagwelcome. haha. Spam ata.

These commercials are wonderful and I hope we get more of these ads. :)

yep! I do agree :) having TV ads like that will really help on the advancement of how Filipinos think towards Gender Diversity and Broken Families. Nobody's perfect, as they say.

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didn't know that such commercials exist. i defntely agree with you gurl! it's time to realize that broken families are okay, being a gay is okay. Being judgemental is not. Nice article! ❤

Yes gurl! It's ok for some to be true to himself as long as his not stepping on anybody's shoes, everything is alright. Thanks beshie. :)

I watched some of the commercials. Great for you to share them.

Yep. Hehehe. I haven't watched tv in a while. I have seen the Nido commercial many time though. It's, I think, breaking boundaries especially on hoe the Filipinos think on the said topics. :) Thanks for stopping by. :D

This post has received a 0.17 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

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