Fun facts:
-Did you know that in Disney Channel Series "Fish Hooks" features Milo, a Betta Fish or commonly known as Siamese Fighting Fish/Fighting Fish.


Now back to business.

What you need:

  • Good and Quality pair
  • Fry food
  • Breeding Tank
  • Live Plants (Optional)
  • Live Foods
  • Styro Cup
  • Withered Talisay leaves (Indian Almond leaves)
  • Rock Salt
  • Patience (Most important!)

First of all I encourage you to just breed pair of same strain betta, to predict that what will be the result and to get a pure breed betta, Or you can just breed any pair that has diff. strain for just the sake of breeding.(I discourage you this type of mindset)

Example: Plakat x Plakat
pair 2.jpg


STEP #1: Pair that had the same strain and at the exact age for breeding. Condition them for 1-2 weeks, but its all depends on you. :)

STEP #2: Prepare livefoods for your pair for 1-2weeks, and also prepare fry food to get ready for your upcoming baby bettas. Live foods like, Tubifex/Daphnia/Kiti-kiti/Guppy Babies.


STEP #3: Get ready for your 1-3 days stock water. Also condition the water that you'll use while you're conditioning your breeding pair, Every after 3 days 100% water change your pairs.

Note: You will need Talisay(Indian Almond leaves) and rocksalt for condtioning your water. Just estimate the salt needed for you water. If you have methylene or anti chlorine you can use it as proxy for rock salt.

STEP #4: Feed your pair atleast 3x a day.
Note: Give the female more than the regular food for her to produce more eggs, or if you're diligent give her a snack every hour.

STEP #5: After you feed them, Flare them for 15-30mins daily for them to familiarize or we say for them to court each other, Do not exceed 30 mins flaring time.

Note: Flare means you introduce your female on your male betta. There are signs if they're into each other, If male is flaring and showing how handsome he is, and for female ventral stripes are more visible than her normal color. Even if she is not showing ventral stripes its okay you'll just need to condition her for her to get ready for breeding.

STEP #6: Before you're done conditioning your pair, A DAY BEFORE BREEDING DATE you must prepare your breeding tank. Use Talisay(Indian Almond leaves) and rocksal, Taped your styro cup at the side of the tank for the male to make Bubble nest in it.

Note: Only use 2-4 inches of water for your Breeding tank for not giving them a hard time picking up the eggs. :)


STEP #1: Transfer the pair on your breeding tank, and confine your female in cup or anything that restrict them to get close to each other, and let the male build his Bubble nest(BBN)

STEP #2: Once the male build his bubble nest. Release your female from the cup and let them do their thing and do not disturb them, you can check them every 2-3 hours if how they are.
bbn 2.jpg

STEP #3: If there are eggs already removed the female right away from your breeding tank, and place her in a separate tank for her to heal her wounds given by the male.

In the end, its just my opinion based on my experiences in this hobby, Im not saying that this is you must follow, I may be wrong but that's why we try and try, If you have any ideas I want to hear it also.
THAT'S ALL STEEMIANS!! If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask me, Hope I did help you in little ways I know, Goodluck! :)

Stay tune, Upvote & follow me @bettasplendens for more updates! ;)

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