All about Christmas Palm Tree and it's seeds! (For sale! 😁)

in #philippines6 years ago (edited)

Well now, who wants some Christmas Palm tree seeds? I got 17 pcs from the backyard tree. 😂

This was what I was cutting up a week or so ago. If you haven't seen my seed exploration yet, read it here. I even made a comic strip because the cats kept photobombing. 😂

Finally found out what kind of palm tree it is! Oh yeah!

The Seeds

So here's the seeds when I gathered them some hours ago...


And then I cleaned 'em up so now they're like this.


Am not sure if anyone would want the somewhat blackened ones I think they're up for germination anytime soon, or not. I think it's normal. Anyway am not a farmer or gardener so am not sure. If you are one, feel free to correct me anytime. Online sellers sell these like that so I'm sure it's good for germination.

I opened 'em up weeks ago, here's how it looks like. Read more in my previous posts.


The Palm Tree

And of course this is the mother/source tree. The sun's finally out so we can now see it in more detail!


It's four storeys tall! Almost as tall as our apartment building. These trees grow up to 20 to 25 ft high. And look at those roots! I took this roots photo a few days ago when it was still raining a lot.


Took me hours to find out what tree it is. 😂 Good thing the internet is such a great tool. ♥

It's endemic here in the Philippines ya'll! Particularly somewhere in Jolo, Sulu. Haha. So proud of a tree? 😂

The fruits are locally called Bunga de Jolo, Bunga de China or Bungang China and are sometimes used as replacement to Betel nut in it's absence.

It's not meant to be eaten though. But as something to chew on, it tastes like unripe bananas but not that soft. The texture is like uhm, well I chewed half the seed as I mentioned in my previous posts so feel free to read those.

The Christmas Palm a.k.a. Manila Palm or Dwarf Royal Palm are ornamental plants best for gardening and/or landscaping. You can see these in parks, gardens, or inside malls or cafes etc. where they serve as shade or natural decoration.

While it's growing it can be an indoor plant. Heck there's some growing in the backyard and it has to be potted or else!!!

I should really buy some pots I think... Huhu, but what about the soil? I am concerned even if I don't own the tree. It's just one of the backyard apartment trees you know. I mean, look at that! Growing palm trees! 😱 I never realized it's a jungle out there! 😂😂😂 I think there's about three or four of them.


These are tropical trees but there are some people who are growing them in Florida, USA and in other countries too.

It's called a Christmas Palm because it bears red fruits in December but it also does during summer. It's scientific name is Adonidia Merrellii, a combination of the Greek name Adonis and Elmer D. Merrill (1876-1956) who is an American botanist. He was a Philippine flora specialist mind you. (So awesome to be a scientist.)

Okay here's that fruit pic again from last time in case you forgot and haven't seen it yet.


It's not edible, please read my previous posts on it. :) If the tree is still young and reachable, you can gather the flower nectars, that's edible. :D

Now who wants to buy some Christmas Palm Tree baby trees or seeds, let me know. Reach out on or Facebook (link in my bio.)

If you're outside the Philippines you will need a seed importing permit I believe? Anyway if you're in the Philippines, these are available in Shopee PH (Artxstephanierue) and Olx. 😜

For Shopee discounts, here's some coupons you can use as a first time buyer: ARTST222.

And here's another coupon code to use if you buy from my Shopee store: SSUKIMT2P

So anyway, I got two avocado seeds from a few days ago. Still deciding if I should ground them up soon or grow a tree. Haha. Ah nature is just so fascinating. 😁


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Written by @artgirl for Steemit.
© Art x Stephanie Rue

@artgirl is a freelance artist and also a sales person. For art and writing commissions, feel free to contact me.
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those are expensive plants! indeed very in demand in landscaping business. we do have one palm in our backyard and we got lucky just like you.we don't sell it online though(i dont know how to use shopee), unless someone comes around looking for seedlings. 😓

Yeah. I saw fellow Pinoys buying online, outside the Philippines! Well they don't need to buy overseas because we have palm trees all around here imho.

hanep naging negosyo! hahaha
cge tanim ka rin ng avocado tapos share mo kung pano. Nagtanim kasi kami dati kaso laging namamatay.

Luh, mas madali mag-alaga ng palm tree. Easy lang daw e.

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