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RE: The Bill and Melinda Gates Annual Letter for 2017

in #philanthropy8 years ago (edited)

As I said before, I've looked into this in detail.

Do poor families in poor countries have more children and if so, why?

(from what I've read: high infant mortality rate and lack of birth control to even control their lives as they'd like to)

Does the lack of vaccines contribute to the infant mortality rate?

(Yes, it's higher where they don't have vaccines)

Would they have less children if the infant mortality rate wasn't so high and they had access to reproductive care such as birth control and on top of all that would their wellbeing and economic prosperity increase?

(Yes, they'd have less children by choice and they would be happier. Richer nations have less children. It's not a conspiracy, it's a byproduct of prosperity and freedom.)

Please try to disprove your assumptions using real data before believing in these conspiracies. I used to believe them. Then I started reading books about these topics to get a more accurate picture of the world. If they wanted to kill people off, they're are much easier ways to do it than saving lives and increasing wellbeing.


I always welcome and appreciate open discussion. I practiced healthcare for over 20 years and there was a time where I believed as you do. If you read my Steemit introduction you will get to know me better. Now with further research and the knowledge that the Pharmaceutical Industry publishes studies without oversight I know better.

This is a rather neutral link disclosing the ingredients of vaccines.

The Silent Epidemic documentary. Here you can listen to physicians, neurologists and researchers who have researched vaccinations. They feel as I do.

There was also another informative Steemit post this week on this most important topic.

I believe birth control is very important in assisting struggling families. Good health should be achieved in underdeveloped countries in providing nutritious food and clean water. Maybe when you are in a position to be a philanthropist you will do that for the poor and under served.

It appears you have a good heart.

Not wishing to enter into the fray concerning the efficacy of the Gates Foundation, Charities and Non-Profits in general, I, however, would like to add a third reason - a fact concerning why poorer countries have more children. This would not likely be evident to the Gates'es, to Mr. Buffett nor to any of the other 1810 Dollar Billionaires, the 14-30 million Dollar Millionaires, in fact perhaps only a few in the 1% Club would understand that the poor, because they are poor and have few prospects for long term care (despite the numerous government programs) have a large number of children to help them survive day-to-day and especially to look after them in their old age. For example, the OFW's (Overseas Foreign Workers in the Philippines) living and working outside of the country send funds back to their families to help them survive – some 10% of the GDP, I believe.

A. Einstein I think summed it up nicely:

'In order to form an immaculate member of a flock of sheep one must, above all, be a sheep'

The idea of children seen as workers to support the family in poor countries is quite common. Why would you think this is not evident? It also relates to why they have more children if the infant mortality rate is high: they need enough workers to survive, so they have to make more.

I agree that this idea of 'children seen as workers' supports your argument that by reducing the infant Mortality rate, there will be a need for less children, however I would suggest that this is not commonly understood, especially by those donating to Charities.

I have not investigated, but know from first hand experience of the desire to have a large family here in Asia. Similarly how the Family takes care of the elderly within the Family unit rather than promoting "Old Folks Homes" as is common in North America.

Not sure How I might get at this question, any ideas? Or evidence of this commonality you speak of?

You made this claim:

This would not likely be evident to the Gates'es, to Mr. Buffett nor to any of the other 1810 Dollar Billionaires, the 14-30 million Dollar Millionaires, in fact perhaps only a few in the 1% Club would understand

I was just wondering what basis you had for it. I think many in positions of wealth and power of that size no quite a bit more than we may give them credit for, partly because they can afford very smart advisors. That's just my opinion though.

We could take a Survey...

But seriously, My Goal here is single-minded.

Just like the Very Rich, who now are feeling perhaps a little guilty having amassed such wealth, I, being just above the Poverty line, want to help Society as best as I can, too.

If I ever get a little time to get back to my Intro page, you will see me as "more than just a pretty face".

Story to follow,

Perhaps I should not be discussing my (poverty) strategy with you, as I see you are one of the founders group - just behind @infovore (a contributor to Steem 101). I have a post to prepare that mentions your fantastic Intro page, but if I keep typing here it will not get done....and the world will be missing more of the great work from @hermitthewriter (Phil Lloyd to my friends).

Write on, Phil. :)