Bajai Life Camp 18.11: Day 523

in #philadelphia6 years ago (edited)

Bajai Life Camp 18.11: Day 523
Sunday Veteran's day November 11, 2018
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
183.4 lbs.
28.64% rebounding

It's not exactly a day of recovering. Although I ate bread... and chips and quesadillas... I drank no alcohol. I did have a Pepsi. That will have to work it's way out of my system. The scale tells the story. Socializing is costly. More of this will happen today. However I may get a workout in. But even if I don't, resting these muscles will be beneficial. I can get back to TDSC tomorrow.

Great brunch with Benny. Then to the park for the Pull-ups Protocol. Great, but sore. Feeling stronger on the reverse grip pulls and hangs. These are waking up my forearms.

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This is one of the most American meals/brunches you can get.

Today's protocol, pull up, hold; lower and hang. First round was three reps for about five seconds, every set after was less. Most of the Pull-ups were wide... hands spread across four bars. The reverse grip Pull-ups were a surprise. I've gotten a bit stronger here. The grip has also improved.

Recovery nap.

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The ole train station, in the old hood.

Trying to connect with the fram is always frustrating because they are always.... meaning 90% of the time, late. Vibration loweringly late. This means my happiness to see them is tempered... deadened by the annoyance of their tardiness. We're not talking ten or even fifteen minutes late. At times, the better part of an hour. And then they show up... ten minutes... thirty minutes. And it's all good after that. A nice catch up session and dark beer.

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