My Nominations for the PHC Top 3 Monthly Contest - Kids TV Shows

in #phctop35 years ago

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This is my entry into this month’s PHC Top 3 contest.

This months topic is Kids TV Shows

NoNominationMy Reasons for the Nomination
1DucktalesI used to watch this cartoon every Saturday morning when I was a kid, fun times :)
2AnimaniacsAnother one of my Saturday morning favorites, very fun cartoon that had many adult jokes in it I did not understand at the time

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3Ren and StimpyThis cartoon was awesome! It was a bit too adult for me at the time, I guess, but I did not know, I watched it all the time and laughed my ass off :)


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Hey @dksart

We see that your awesome PHC Top 3 post has reached 7 days old. Please remember to confirm your entry into the contest by sending half of your payout (SBD) to the @phctop3 account as your minimum entry fee. But don’t forget that you can send us as much as you like for a chance to win a greater share of the prize pool. There is NO MAXIMUM! Also, don't forget to send us your post URL in the memo.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We would be more than happy to assist.

Thanks for entering and good luck.

The PHC Top 3 Team

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Nice choices! We watched a lot of Ducktales in our house growing up, too. Definitely a classic. :)

Nice choices @dksart

Three popular shows in the UK and the US, among others. My younger brother watched both Ducktales and Animaniacs, so I kind of watched them too.

Ren and Stimpy is a favourite of my dads! I guess leading to your statement that it was a kid show with plenty of adult humour. I loved it too and being a little bit older, getting it! Awesomely funny.

Great job


YESSSS! I totally love your choices!

Who was your favorite Animaniacs character? Mine was definitely Wacko and would have loved to see him more. I got excited when I did :p

Thanks for taking part in the contest. I'm having a blast with this months topic :D

Thanks! I liked them all, but probably my favorite were Pinky and the Brain which was originally started as part of Animaniacs :)

Pinky and the Brain were something else and totally different from the rest. So, what are you doing tomorrow? :p

Thanks for these awesome suggestions for our contest this month! We've given you an upvote and logged your nominations, ready for the dpoll - keep an eye on our blog for the dpoll post!

Remember to transfer 50% of the post payout as SBD to @phctop3 with a link to your entry in the memo, otherwise it won't be eligible. This is the minimum entry fee, there is no maximum. You can add as much as you like to your initial fee to give you bigger potential rewards.


Looking at your nominations and the youtube videos brings me back to good days of old! Thank you for that ^_^

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Ah Ren & Stimpy! Yes! Me and my brother used to watch that each week as well, so grim but we both found it hilarious at the same time! Thanks for entering the contest - good luck!

Awesome! Thanks for sending over your entry fee, just letting you know that I've added you in with your nominations now!

Good luck and keep your eyes peeled for the upcoming dpoll between 16th - 18th where we put it to the public vote and let the Steem community decide their top 3 :)



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