Israel finds ‘likely’ link between Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine and cases of heart inflammation in young males.

in #pfizer3 years ago

Why are we all marching down the chutes to danger and death from unapproved experimental injections like a bunch of zombies?

A specially appointed epidemiological team has found “a likelihood of a link” between receiving the second dose of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine and the onset of myocarditis in young men, Israel’s Health Ministry said in a statement.
The ministry says the team was set up following reports of cases of heart inflammation, known as myocarditis, among males aged 16 to 30 shortly after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine was administered. The link was found to be stronger in people aged 16-19 relative to other age groups, and weakens as the age of the recipients increases. Most patients who experienced the problem spent up to four days in the hospital, and 95% of the cases were classified as mild, according to the ministry.

Why in the name of sanity are any people under 30 being jabbed with this dangerous injection when the death rate from Covid for young people is very low? People, young men specifically, are having swelling of the heart muscle after the first jab and worse after the second jab of Pfizer’s so-called vaccine? ANY swelling of the heart, mild or severe, is not a reason to halt this program?

Meanwhile the European Medicines Agency and the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System are both reporting thousands of deaths following Covid vaccine injections with Pfizer’s jab being by far the deadliest of the 4 jabs currently being given in the EU,US, UK and Canada?

In 1976 the flu vaccination program was cancelled after 25 deaths were reported but today mass death is occurring and the programs roll on regardless? For a disease whose danger is less than that of flu for any healthy person under 40? For a disease the majority (60% or more) of whose victims are over 80 and already suffering from one or more terminal health problems including heart disease, diabetes and COPD?

And complainers like me are told by the government to shut up and stop spreading “false” information about Covid, information published by VAERS and EMA? I’m to stand by silent while my son, daughter, son-in-law and granddaughters of 23 and 25 are jabbed with Pfizer’s killer jab? I’m to stand by silent and compliant while school children as young as 12 are jabbed? I’m to get my jab or else be denied “some services”?

The day you are forced to realize that your government is an unreliable protector of your health is the day you wake up to your personal responsibilities as an adult should do. But the day you realize your government is fully prepared to kill you for political reasons? That, my friends, is a very bad day.


Hola arbitraje, excelente tu articulo, completamente cierto aun las vacunas para el covid 19 están en fase experimental.

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