
Thank you! Do you think Willy and Jax would get along? :)

Now that I saw what I wrote I though, "damn, Willy and Jax sounds pretty cool! Like a team of super detectives or something lol"

He He... we have a cat too. Her name is Sushi. She is very territorial because she was here first. When we adopted Jax, he was smaller than Sushi. Then Jax blew up, the apartment became too small for all of us, my daughter moved out and took Jax with her. SOOO Jax and Sushi did not get along. But it wasn't Jax's fault, he is big, but very friendly. So I think he would make a great team with Willy... superdetectives, yeah....

Wow! Jaxx as a baby is too much to bear, and Sushi seems beautiful, I'm curious about her face, but it's surely perfect, like all cats :) I imagine Sushi would look at tiny Jaxx and think "You're trying to steal my mommy's love? I'll kick your ass woofer or dribbler lol" but then he became a powerful giant and she was like, "oh that's fine... go right ahead Sir.." lol Your daughter moving out couldn't have been easy, you spend a whole life with a person, then... nothing. I'd be sad. And for a mother must be extra difficult, releasing your precious baby into the big bad world lol, that's why I don't have kids lol just a cat and a fish, and they're not going ANYWHERE!! loool

Ha ha, that's right! When Jax became a giant, Sushi was hiding all the time. He was trying to play with her and she always scratched his nose. When they moved out Sushi was soooo happy. Now she is the queen again! Regarding kids... that's life. You raise them and they fly. The law of Universe, Sandro.

Some people say cats need company, like another cat or a dog, but I don't agree, I think they like to rule their kingdom unchallenged and in peace lol but yeah, like everything, it depends I guess. Yeah on one hand it's sad when kids grow up and leave, but on the other hand... free time, less responsabilities and the chance to live like a teenager again, if you want to :)

I agree with you. My cat for sure doesn't need any company. And did you say teenager again? Ha, my soul never grew up. I am still 18 he he!

I hope I never grow up too! :) But I meant dirty stuff lol walking naked around the house, noisy sex at any hour and getting drunk lol or who knows, smoking some sticky weed! All things you can't do when you have kids living in the house loool just kidding, don't take offense :)

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