Teddy Today: I can feel my tail!

in #pets7 years ago (edited)


Hey everyone!
Today he spent most of the day sleeping. His sock stayed on until around 4 pm when it came loose, but that's a record considering I had done it the previous night. Score!

Lynton collected Teddy's medicine, Medrol, from the vet on his way home from work. They had been out of stock when we were there on Wednesday for Teddy's acupuncture session. During the session the vet had given him a shot of Traumeel, a natural anti inflammatory, right into 2 of the pressure points she had been working on. This would help keep pressure on these points for a longer working effect. So even though it would be a day until his next Medrol, he wouldn't be in pain.

I gave him his medicine as soon as Lynton was home and 2 hours later all 4 of us were running around in the house playing hide and seek! Teddy was feeling silly and needed to run around a bit but inside was a bit safer than letting him run outside. It was great to see him playing again.
He was swishing his tail around, able to move sections that he didn't have control over before and it was as if it annoyed him when his tail touched the ground :)

He and Flash had a bit of a wrestle as well.




When they had tired themselves out they asked for their dinner and then had a nap.

It is looking positive. His foot is healing up nicely as well and I'm glad he's tolerating the sock much better.

Speaking of which, I need to sort him out for the night.

Hope you sleep well
Lizelle, Lynton, Teddy and Flash


I so respect u taking care of special needs kitty. ❤

Thank you Chelsea. He's so happy and full of life, I couldn't imagine not taking care of him 😊

Nice to here you all had a GOOD day.

Thank you 😊

That’s such wonderful news about his tail, glad he getting used to the sock and had a lovely little play😊

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