Did I mention we have dogs?

in #pets6 years ago (edited)

A follow-up to the the "We love our cats" post. I shared in my last post about the six cats we have. At the end I mentioned we have dogs. Two, to be exact. Their names are Boaz and Boots.
Boaz 3months ears up (2).jpg
This is Boaz when he was just a puppy. He is a full blooded German Shepherd. His ears were only up for about a week, then I guess he got lazy and they flopped down again. We got him after losing our beloved Malachi
Malachi von James-001.jpg
Just after we bought Boaz, another puppy showed up in our front yard. He was skittish and kept running away when we would get near him.
It took Andrea a couple weeks for the puppy to trust us enough to come into our back yard and a couple more to trust Andrea enough to let her pet him. Shortly after that, he acclimated to the family. We named him Boots because of his white paws.
At that time, we still had another dog, Sunny.
She was older and acted as the matriarch for the two pups. We didn't have six cats then, and the pups grew up learning to get along with the cats;
Daddy says "No dogs on the bed!"
Sadly, Sunny passed away in 2016
But the puppies grew to large healthy dogs. Boaz weighs 120+ lbs and Boots weighs about 70 lbs. They still get along with the cats;
Boots and Jasper.
Boots notices Samson spying on them.
Mr. C And Boaz just chillin'
We're sure Boaz and Boots will be lifetime Buddies.
Don't worry buddy. I'll always have you covered. :-)

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