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in #pets6 years ago

When my daughter came home to visit, she brought her dog with her. She is a cute little thing. This seemed to be one of her favorite spots. From that spot on the couch, she could sit with my daughter and not miss anything that I was doing in the kitchen.


Thank you for visiting today. I hope you enjoyed my pet photo.


Thirty percent of all Dalmatians are deaf in one or both ears. Because bulldogs have extremely short muzzles, many spend their lives fighting suffocation. Because Chihuahuas have such small skulls, the flow of spinal fluid can be restricted, causing hydrocephalus, a swelling of the brain.

I did not know this information. Sad dog facts...would love to hear some happy ones.

What a cutie....if you ever need a dog sitter.....
Happy New Year!

She is a cutie...and sweet too! Happy New Year to you too!!

Happy new year, I wish you all best! :)

Thank you! Happy New Year to you too!

Her dog indeed does look so cute

Happy New year to you may 2019 be a great year for you

Thank you! I hope 2019 is a good year for you too!

Thanks Kindly I am entering it with a positive attitude so lets hope for the best

With our family spread over three states, getting together is not as easy as inviting them all. We have celebrated with all four of our children individually, and will celebrate the holidays as one on Januruary 12 when all of our children come to the farm for a three day weekend.
In addition to having 14 family members visiting, these 4 dogs will also join in the celebrations.





Grandma has dog treats ready to go.

That is so neat that you are able to get everyone together...even if it is in January. I don't think it matters what the day is. Enjoy your family time!

Look at that face! Isn't it funny how they can find the most strategic spot in the room to be able to keep an eye on everything that is going on!

I know! She was really enjoying that spot because she wasn't missing anything!!

We had a German Shepherd who had all the strategic spots in the house scoped out for naps. I swear she slept with one eye open, because not much happened that she wasn't aware of!

I had a German Shepherd too that would do the same. If I changed rooms...he was right there with me. If he was going to nap, he preferred to be sleeping right by my feet. I miss him lots!!

Our Ana always slept on the floor in the bedroom right in front of the door, so that she was aware if anyone tried to leave the bedroom. And who knows, maybe she was protecting us if someone tried to come into the bedroom!

They do enjoy keeping track of where we are! :)

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