Sure Fire Tips For Potty Training a Puppy

in #pets8 years ago


All pet owners go through one experience at least a few times in their lives and that involves finding a pile of puppy poop left by their puppy in various places in the house. Of course most pet owners successfully manage to train their dogs to use the bathroom in the right place and at the right time.


Unfortunately there are also many pet owners who go drastically wrong here by introducing the wrong types of training techniques. All you need to get by is some common sense to teach your dog about the correct bathroom manners.

The one thing that works in the favor of pet owners is the fact that most dogs hate to mess up their living space. They don’t want to leave puddles of urine and piles of poop in the place where they play and sleep. A young puppy may not understand this at the first go but eventually he will.

So to make life easy, let’s discuss a few simple house breaking tips that will help you to teach your dog where and when to do his job.


You may want to purchase some oatmeal dog shampoo or a pet carriers on wheels later on down the road for your puppy. Especially the oatmeal dog shampoo, its great for new puppies.

1. The first order of the day when you get up in the morning should be to take your dog to the designated bathroom area, or maybe outside. Once he does his job in the right place don’t forget to praise him and shower him with affection. This will show him that if he uses the bathroom in the morning he makes you happy. This will make it easy for him to remember the bathroom rule and he will be glad to comply since he is always eager to receive your love and affection.


2. You will have to use a command word which your dog will later start associating with going to the bathroom. So use one single word other wise you will confuse your puppy. Some thing simple like “go potty” or “go pee pee” should do but stick to one and use it every time you lead him to the bathroom area.

3. Always use the same route when you are leading your pup to the bathroom area. In time your dog will also start associating this way with the bathroom. So when you lead him down that particular way he will know its time to go to the bathroom.

4. You can teach your dog a lot more with love and affection than with scolding and yelling. Always make training and house breaking a positive experience for your dog. Dogs really enjoy it when they are praised and loved by their masters, so do not forget to praise him when he uses the bathroom in the right place and at the right time. This will make him want to obey you everyday since he wants to earn your praises and attention. 

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