Missing My Dachsy Willow
Enjoy this picture of my daschund pup named Willow Steemians! She's a total beaut and just about to hit 6months old. She's very needy and loves her mummy and papa alot! She's very fond of her fruit and veggies! A bit of a piggy for food! She's made my life a million times better and made my girlfriend very happy! Missing her a lot whilst being in Scotland.
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What a cutie, we have a Boston Terrier and Three outdoor Cats that own us.
I have a cat named Sherman! A big black cat looks like a panther I admit I favour him abit to much! Must get some pictures of him on here soon
So Cute!
I have two dascunds now. The older dog's name is Hercules, the younger one is Mycroft. Mycroft was part of a litter of puppies that was tossed out into the street. Hercules is four and a half years old, Minecraft is two months old.