Dealing With Dog Dandruff

in #pets4 years ago

Dealing with Dog Dandruff and Treatment

Many of us know the struggles of dealing with an irritated scalp. Changes in seasons can exacerbate a condition and the same goes for dogs that can suffer from dandruff too. Shedding of the outer layer of skin is normal but dogs have hair all over, making their presence of dandruff much more obvious. Dandruff is normal in dogs, dead skin cells eventually erode away and your dog will do their best to groom. If you notice a high level of dandruff left around the house or in their coat, there may be an underlying skin condition that your dog is suffering from. While a high level of dead skin on your dog is a cause of concern, its presence also poses a risk to you too. Excess dead skin cells left around the house can cause rashes and trigger other allergies.

Immediate investigation is required to discern the root cause for this condition and you may be surprised as to what the true culprits are hand are.

Insufficient or excessive cleaning

A harmonious balance on hygiene needs to be achieved. We recommend bathing as required, maintaining a consistent schedule along with grooming of the coat. Make sure to pick a dog shampoo that suits their skin, some dogs may react poorly to some ingredients.

Dogs who don’t receive frequent or thorough grooming sessions will eventually face a build of dead skin all over their body. This becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, causing fungi growth and potential parasites that come to feed. So clean your pup often with the right tools and shampoo, avoid soaps meant for humans and stick to pet friendly products. If unsure, ask your vet to figure out your best options. Incorrect product use can lead to further skin damage.

Bathing your dog is a matter of judgement. Size, weight, activity and general living environment all influence frequency of bathing. Cleaning your pup too often can cause their skin to dry out and we recommend using items that promote skin hydration. Grooming after can help spread natural oils across the body, providing further protection of their out skin.

Parasite Invasion

If you suspect your dog is suffering from parasites of any form, it’s a serious matter. Allergies, weakness, skin irritation and excessive dandruff may be indicative of parasites. Ticks aren’t out during the winter but thrive in warm and hot summers/spring months. You don’t even have to let your dog outside to have a parasite invasion, visitors or simply walking in from the outdoors can bring them into the house and to your pet.

Ticks have a rapid reproduction cycle and they will quickly absorb nutrients from your dog’s body. This detracts from your dog’s much needed nutrition stores, leading to weakness and general malnutrition. Loss in energy and poor skin conditions are possible symptoms of this underlying issue. Examine your dog regularly, paying close attention to the skin beneath the coat, if a tick is found, assume that there are more. It’s time to visit your local vet for attention. Dealing with tick removal should be handled by professionals, self-removal can cause skin damage and further infection.

Poor Canine Diet

Dog nutrition has varying standards between pet owners. While it might be thought that dogs can eat similar foods to humans, this is not quite true. High sodium contents and poor nutritional value are just some of the drawbacks with this approach to dog nutrition. Your dog is special and deserves a diet that is best for them for long term health and happiness. Salty foods can cause liver damage and moderation for a balanced diet is important. Knowing how much your dog is eating and how much you’re giving can be challenge. You can try using a Smart Pet Bowl to keep track of your dog’s nutrition consumption. We love to feed our pups a treat of chicken liver now and then, it has a healthy dose of vitamins but feeding overboard can induce toxicity and adverse physiological effects.

Pick foods that are easily digestible and split meals through the day while keeping nutrition values high. Failing to deliver sufficient calcium, iron and other nutrients can all lead your dog’s dandruff problem. Not everybody has the means to serve balanced raw diets but it’s important to know about what your dog needs to maintain their health and of course, skin. We like to make sure to feed plenty of nutritious foods along with some rich omega fish oils, an effective way to improve skin health. Don’t forget about keeping your pup hydrated, give them plenty of water to keep them from drying out. Woof! 🐶

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