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RE: The best toy you can get your puppy is another puppy!

in #pet-post6 years ago (edited)

Lol . . . I don't doubt it. I've joked before that if Lolo could ditch us for the UPS man, he'd at least think about it seriously.

Then again, we had a Keeshond named Dak when I was in high school, and he LOVED our mailman! In fact, he LOVED every man in uniform. Evidently, in his language, uniform meant friend.


Oh, I hear you - especially with the AutoCorrect!
Men in Uniform - some years ago, calendars started celebrating them. Not just soldiers. UPS drivers!
Our dogs would let people with big trucks empty out our house of all our possessions, just for a few dog treats which they'd boycott if I offered them. sigh They taste better if a Man in Uniform hands it off!

LOL - My dad's boxer Prince did exactly that before he and my mom got married.

My dad had a house on the side of a canyon, which you reached by crossing over a small bridge, and so it was lovely and secluded.

And twice, someone robbed him blind by offering Prince a large greasy bone, then shutting him into the bedroom. So my dad returned home from playing piano, only to find his home burglarized, with Prince happily chewing his greasy bone in the middle of my dad's bed. ;-)

Then again, My Newfy Ebony let someone she knew come into the house and steal my stereo, when I was at work, but when the same person tried to break in when I was home, she damned near took his arm off.

She would protect me with her life, but didn't care about the stuff, and I'm guessing Prince had the same attitude.

Okay, I've changed "Kathy" to UPS man THREE times, and my phone still won't let it stand. Argh.

Lousy programming, eSteem!

And of course it goes through the first time in the comment. Sigh.

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