
Oh I do love a bit of competition with a man of standing.
Let's see: I am going to have ask Otto to help out here. No toes but four paws, should do the trick for the sums..... Wait, it is easier if we count up the hours in the past 5 days (24x5)=120-10= 110 hours of non stop for me, if interrupted 5 times. You might have at least been making some money during some of that time! Which has to be easier than Penelope's weaving.

I am easy to read right now,

Self-reading in the moment? A man? Now wouldn't that be shortcut to everything!

I was already impressed by the hours you're keeping, and by that I mean just the time spent on reading blogs/reply. Wait! Isn't workaholicism a serious condition we should be worried about?!

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