Things to Expect On the First Day of Personal Training

in #personaltrainer4 years ago

After finding a personal trainer in South London, you might be excited about your first session, especially if you are a beginner. You might have several questions in your mind like what will happen, what exercises you will do, how will you communicate with the trainer, and so on. In most cases, people think they will dive right into kettle bells and pull-ups. But surprisingly, the scenario of the first day of personal training is very different.

Before moving to the actual workout, you will have to go through a few standards steps. The personal trainer will follow a commonly defined protocol during the first session to ensure everything goes as planned in the future sessions.

The set of standard steps include:

Complete the paperwork
Though it’s the personal training, administrative work cannot be avoided. You are a client and a personal trainer is a service provider so there should be proper transparency between both the parties. Your trainer will out the forms which will contain your contact details, medical history, and current fitness level. No matter what the questions are, you should be honest in your answers.

Take weight and measurements
Knowing the particulars of your body is a primary requirement of a personal trainer. If he is not aware of your current physical features, it will be difficult for him to design the program and compare the results. A personal trainer will check your weight and measure your body parts that will include hips, waist, chest, arms, and legs. Besides, he will measure the body fat percentage and conduct a fitness test.

Design the workout program
After knowing the personal details and taking the details of your body, a personal trainer will discuss your fitness goals and design the workout program. You should have clear fitness goals in mind before communicating it to your trainer. You should not play with your words and be as specific as possible. Along with your fitness goals, you should also discuss your weakness and injuries.

Discuss on nutrition
Fitness is incomplete without taking proper nutrition. So while choosing a personal trainer, you should ensure that he can give nutritional advice. If not, you will have to seek help from a professional dietician. On the first day, the trainer will discuss the kind of meal and nutrition your body needs to stay energized and healthy. He will provide a 360-degree look to attain better health.

Start with the workout
Starting with the workout is optional during the first session. It all depends on the time left after completing the above-mentioned steps. If not much time is left, you should try to get an insider scoop at the content of the first workout. Or, you can start easy through a warm-up session.

If the induction or the first day of personal training is completed on point, there will be no disruption or complication in the future sessions. So, have patience and follow the steps to enjoy personal training.

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