My Myers Briggs Test by


While I was watching a youtube video, I saw this. It is a personality test that is already done by 108,122,896 individuals, so this is worth some time. I was skeptic at first but when I got the result, I was surprised. I was hit dead on like the site really knows me. This is a short 10-minute survey so take a peek.

For those who are interested, check this out:

For those who already did it and for those who don't want, scroll down.


(Spoiler...I think)
I am a Mediator / Healer. We mediators are sensitive and emphatic. Do you have a friend that is great at advising others but has difficulty in making the right choices? Well, that's us. We are shy and hard to know, Secretive and hard to approach BUT we are the most loyal and best of friends that you will ever knew once you broke down those barriers.

That's what I learned and like a summary of my overview. The site also shows your strengths and weaknesses which is I think good to put in your resumes or CVs and portfolios.

I had fun knowing myself and like to compare it with others, what's yours?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the site or any part of it.


If basing on the Myers Briggs test I am an ISTP a Virtuoso type of person. Who likes to get his hands dirty at times. I do want to explore a lot of stuff and discover new ideas.

The test is so amazing that it would give you chills. You would know more about what you already knew about yourself after you did the test. :)

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