4 life lessons I learned this monthsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #personaldevelopment7 years ago (edited)

Ever have certain people come into your life at the right moments?

While some can be new faces, others are familiar but manage to resurface at the right time. You may even have uncanny experiences with them, that are almost eerie.

You can't explain the phenomenon, but you know deep down, they're meant to be in your life for a reason.

In my case, it was a mix of old and new faces who all had important lessons to teach me.


From an 75 year old Uber driver whose traveled to over 20 countries , to an insightful makeup artist with a generous soul, to a cousin with a 6th sense and a heart of gold, I couldn't be more grateful for the wisdom they shared with me.

I'd like to pass it on to you guys, in hopes it can raise an "aha moment" or create a positive impact in you:

1. You can’t control an outcome. You can only control how you react to it and what you can learn from it


Whether it be waiting on a loved one for some clarity on an important decision, or a opportunity that comes your way, you have no control over the outcome.

You can choose to overthink each and every move you made, what you “should” have or “shouldn’t have” said, but in the end you can’t control the outcome.

This is hard for anyone to swallow. Especially those who find comfort in anticipating the next move and used to a structured way of living.

Instead, you can look back in hindsight and learn something from it.

Timelines for example, are a way of subconsciously trying to control something out of fear. We think by setting them up, it'll lead to our desired outcome.

While they work great for deadlines we need to meet or goals we want to achieve, when it comes to people, it has the opposite effect.

Dale Carnegie said it best:

When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion

Whether it be putting a timeline for marriage or wanting an important answer to a decision, when emotions are involved, the last thing you want to do is put pressure on a person by giving them a timeline.

Their decision will come out of fear and won’t be genuine. The best thing you can do is give them the time they need to figure it all out and and be happy with the progress they make. After all, a degree of clarity is better than none at all.

Cue The Beatles “Let it be” song here.

2. Use Creative Visualization to Get What You Want



Creative visualization can be defined as using mental imagery and affirmation to produce positive changes in your life

If you're someone who lives inside your head all the time (day dreamer right back at ya!), chances are you got the "visualization" part nailed down to a T.

Manifesting those visuals into a reality is where the tricky part comes in.

The first step to creative visualization is by first envisioning what you want in life

Whether it be a promotion, a traveling experience or a growth in your relationship, you need to see it to believe it.

Once you see it, start by associating feelings to it. These could range from happiness, to excitement to sheer joy. As long as they're positive, you're on the right track!

Now comes the tricky part : Use positive affirmations to keeps the visual alive


As much as your visual might be more of a "fantasy" you can turn it into a reality by believing that it's real.

Through telling yourself it is, you're allowing your conscious mind to tap into your subconscious and have them be at the forefront of your thoughts.

There's a reason why it's manifesting in your mind.

Whichever works best, the key is the preserve that visual and keep it alive in whichever medium works best.

You can either write it out or create a vision board of it.

Like this :

flikr colleen galvin

Once it's in front of you, you can take the necessary steps in making it happen!

See it, feel it, believe it.

3. Stick to a goal by creating a tiny habit around it


With a little help from a podcast episode and my own due diligence, one of my goals was to write more. Yet I had no idea how or what to write about.

So I focused on creating a tiny habit around it : listening to a podcast episode once or twice a week.

By doing so, I was able to get inspired with ideas.

I aimed small and focused on writing 100 words a day.

By doing so, I was able to successfully achieve this "micro goal" and as a result, wanted to keep the momentum going. Eventually, writing everyday became a "habit".

Even if I didn't always write for the public eye, I still kept at it to preserve that momentum and build the tiny habit.

Eventually that tiny habit resulted in :

  • 3+ original blog posts a week for steem it
  • 500 + words of personal writing
  • One published article on an Medium publication.

Moral of the story : Consistency is more valuable than big goals

4. See the positive in every situation



Easier said than done right?

If you're in a negative mindset, you're only going to attract more negative thoughts.

The trick is to acknowledging that "low vibration" state you're in and trying to get out of it.


By focusing on the positive of every situation

For example :

I have a long commute to work, I hate it. I've endlessly complained about it, and eventually I'm going to get my own car. Until then, I realized to make the most out of the situation.

How? I capitalize on my time by listening to interesting podcasts/audiobooks on my way to work.

By doing so, I come in with a fresh, inspired mind, ready to write!

How do you stay in a positive mindset?


Ah, first pic is my home town ;)

And definitely know the feeling of having certain opportunities or ppl enter your life at specific times.

@jaybird - good ol' toronto! Glad i'm not the only one whose experienced this strangely eerie yet grateful situation :)

I believe we all do...some of us have just probably become more in tune to paying attention, acting on or choosing to let go of these moments and persons than others.

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