1 Percent Self-EffortsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #personal7 years ago (edited)

Tendencies, habits, impulses — we all form these things in our lives. I would like to take the time to point out what I call the "1 percent self effort principle." It is a starting point for some who find it difficult to begin something new. A new habit. A new diet. A new career! I spend my time as a free lance screenwriter who works really hard in Hollywood. I put out self effort in areas that are uncomfortable all the time. It is all about 1 percent self-effort.

What do I mean?

Who is this crazy guy on Steemit? We are so use to the tick-tock, 9-5, and tough daily lifestyle. We punch in, and we punch out and fall into our daily routines. Those routines that are so repetitive that it seems like second nature. Life can come down to other tendencies such as feeling so comfortable that we don't want to get out of bed; however, 1 percent Self effort is the most powerful thing and can change your life.


To get this comfortable frog out of his slumber all you need is 1 percent Self-Effort. Why not 100 percent? Why not more effort? Some things require just a little bit to get the courage and expand yourself. I look at the 1 percent as the small spark that lights the gasoline in a movie.

It is the tiny courageous jump that takes you out of bed and into your life.

Staying in bed is comfortable, yet I don't make my mark in this world by staying in bed. Staying in bed is warm, yet your warm sunny day could pass you by. Staying in bed is comfy, yet the comfortability is something that does not make me grow. Growth is often found in the discomfort. It is found in the inherent small challenges that requires a little bit of self effort. The 1 percent self-effort is known as the exerted free will that pushes us past our comfort zone.

That small amount can create almost incredible, and miracle like experiences.
Some say "Showing up is 80 percent of life, and sometimes it’s easier to hide home in bed. I’ve done both." No one knows where that quote really came from. Woody Allen seems to get credit for it.

I'd like to say "1 percent of self effort can launch you into a new day." The reality is when you get that the thought of "Should I get out of bed" you really have to order yourself around and be your own boss. In regards to thoughts the reality is you have only about 3 seconds to make a decision. 1 percent self effort can allow you to throw away that next cigarette. I used to smoke. I used to smoke 3 packs a day 20 years ago.

I made the decision. It took small steps with "1 percent" to make the decision. Then small steps each day. The overwhelm was looking at the whole entire week. That was a ridiculous idea as focusing on the week of not smoking was a clap trap even for the most addicted smoker. I had to focus on getting through the hours and minutes. That took self effort each hour I had focused on something else, and occupying the thoughts is very powerful. When the thought comes in you have about 3 seconds to make a decision and act. If you get into the self argument you may back peddle, so grab a hold of your mind.


So how do we use this basic concept?

Well, let's say you are afraid to do something. Let's say it is public speaking (I speak publicly) and you are deathly afraid of it. I had to put 1 percent self effort into this. I decided to write a speech topic. I then decided to rehearse it in front of no one out loud. I then decided to rehearse to a stop watch to add pressure. I learned breathing techniques for relaxation. Then invited 2 people in the room, and then three. Notice the small steps! Notice that competence breeds confidence! I then took another 1 percent step toward my fears again... It was a like a baby pushing out of the man. I had this Peter pan syndrome and I was about to choke that bastard out.


I had to take the 1 percent leap.

I had to do just a little bit. I felt I was on two sides of a difficult wall. One side was the wall of fear the other side was success. I knew I had to get over to the other side. The 1 percent was the way to do it. Small steps to big slices of life. Some want to eat the whole cake. Some want to choke on it. I was on a journey that was for people who prefer to come of their own accord. I feel we all have to travel at our own pace.

Joined Toastmasters

I joined a toastmasters club, and watched a few rounds or speeches for a few weeks. I mentally prepared myself and rehearsed. The first speech was a bomb, and it was absolute horrible bomb. I could have quite! I decided to go 1 percent more toward my fear on to my next speech. I focused on the delivery rather than how I looked. I focused on having fun up there and conveying the material. I made toastmasters my speech playground, and I made it fun. The 1 percent self effort concept allows people with fear to take small steps, yet you must keep pushing toward the fear. Why? There is gold in the discomfort. Nothing of virtue is without hard work.

There is no victory without strife.

There is no goal reached with out small self efforts. In our society we are conditioned to over think, and even worse over feel. The over thinking allows you to become debilitated. The over emotionalism can be even worse driving you down toward depression, and perhaps even escapism. There is nothing wrong with thinking and feeling. It can be bad when it alters our very ability to take chances and risks toward our goals and dreams.


I have no issue with feeling and thinking.

I take issue with it when it is debilitating for any human.
Of course we can't just effort our way through life. We need a plan! Imagination, Willpower, and Intellect. Those three are the most important when reaching your goal.

Imagination - Can you imagine your self achieving the goal?
Will power - Can you take 1 percent and push yourself?
Intellect - Can you gain the knowledge needed for the goal?

The Wright brothers:
They had to see themselves fly in their minds.
They had the will power to take small chances and leaps each day.
They learned through testing about wing warping when there was little to no knowledge of it. They had to gain the intellect for the goal.


1 Percent of self effort toward your (fearful) goals. Then building the will power daily by what we read, see and hear. The knowledge, and information we take in for the intellect. 1 percent is the fuel. It is the gasoline that sparks your life...
Take small steps and small challenges each day. If you want to leap? Go right ahead. Gain confidence, and look before you leap! The point of 1 percent self effort is to push yourself from the Auto-pilot of life.


@screenwriterml - excellent first post, love!
Welcome to Steemit! I would love to hear your thoughts on people who say "You need to give 110%" because your idea of 1% is so much easier to grasp. Small steps make huge changes... Just like consistent drops of water can cut through stone.

Exactly right! It all starts with small consistent steps. Massive action can be good where connections and networking is concerned. You can also start small with that if you have fears.

Thanks for posting the link to this on twitter @merej99- i found it through your link.

Inspirational post ! Thank you so much !!

Welcome to Steemit. Actionable advice :) Thank you

Thank you. I appreciate that..

You're welcome. steem on

Welcome to Steemit, and what a great post!

I'm going to put your 1% effort into action here on Steemit. I was taking too much time on my posts. So I'm going to start with little things here and build from there. Thanks!

Thanks @uwelang. I'm trying to fit it all in, lol!

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