My two boys are officially Marines!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #personal7 years ago

Two of my sons made the decision to join the United States Marine Corps and their boot camp journey is done, but they've only just begun their military commitment. Words cannot aptly describe how proud I am of them.

Dear Steemit friends, how I've missed you!

My goal is to get back to posting at least once a day and I'll be sharing some of the events that's kept me away these last few weeks.

Meredith Loughran is a Marine Mom

Showing off "My son is a Marine" pin


These are my babies!
Nearly ten years later and look at them now.

Graduated August 18, 2017
Graduated July 28, 2017

On Family Day visiting with my Marine on the right, I was shocked at how thin he was. I mean... He was always thin and in shape but I may as well have been hugging a telephone pole.

Knowing my youngest was painfully thin to begin with, I feared for his life. For weeks I worried how his skinny body was going to carry around 80-pound rucksacks and he'd be nothing but bones. My fears were allayed after hugging the Marine on the left. He actually filled in a little bit.

To see their official Marine Corps portrait, you would think they were twins!

So... a funny thing happened. Apparently I "destroyed" my youngest son during boot camp. You see, he wrote me a letter that said "it isn't as hard as I thought it would be."

Let me explain something

"It isn't as hard as I thought it would be" does not mean "this is easy."

A little back story. The majority of men in our family, across many generations, has served in the armed forces; all with horrific, spellbinding, hysterical stories about their boot camp experiences. It's hard stuff and only appreciated and laughed about in hind sight because they survived it. My sons heard a lot of stories about how tough it was; how hard the drill instructors pushed; how you lose the "me" in order to become one corps, one unit, one team. They also both worked out and participated in events like the Spartan Race.

In my heart I knew they were both physically and mentally prepared for boot camp. When I got my Echo recruit's letter I posted a message on FB relieved that he was doing well. Being a good and proud Marine mom, I did some research on the different companies. My youngest was in 2nd Recruit Training Battalion Echo Company.

They were designated "Easy Echo" since WWII


It's like calling a chihuahua Killer, a really tall person Shorty, or a bald person Harry. It's a paradox. I'll get into the history and designation of Mighty Mike and Easy Echo in my next post but please believe that my intentions stem from being proud of both of my Marines.

Did you know the Drill Instructors scan through those Facebook support groups?

It was about 3:30 AM when my son basically woke up to a smokey bear hat and eyes staring at him:


not his DI

"Leeeeee-oooo. So, you think this is easy?"

Of course flying under the radar until that moment he had no idea what they were talking about. He was like, "No, sir?"

Hence forth and so on my son was called Easy Echo -- and because it was "so easy" he lived in the sand pit and was volunteered for a lot of I.T. (Intensive Training)

If you spoke to my husband and my ex they would say I did a bad, bad thing. I should feel bad about this but honestly I'm proud as punch that my kid made it through despite the extra attention. Okay... Maybe I should feel a tiny bit bad about it... but I don't. He's tough as nails and no worse for wear. In fact, I think he's got a better appreciation for Parris Island accommodations. I'll tell you this - he'll never forget it.

That's it for now! I've got a lot of storytelling and stuff to share but I need to catch up with my people!


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All the best to them and you... a proud service!

Thank you @kyusho - they are part of a brotherhood now. :)

Congratulations and I am sure you are one proud momma! While my Air Force basic training paled in comparison to the Marines, my parents held a fair amount of trepidation at my decision to join. In the end, the experience of serving taught me who I was. During my time in I became an adult not only in age, but in mind. The actual moment of "ascension" is still deeply ingrained in my mind, the moment I became comfortable with who I was/am as a human being, actual true acceptance.

I hope that your boys end up in as safe a division as possible, if there is such a thing in the Marines.

I will never truly understand the ascension but I've heard tales of it from all the family members who've served. They all went through that feeling of being. It's pretty amazing and I have to admit I'm a little envious. My middle son actually wrote that he felt like his body was changing. He felt stronger in mind and body. My husband is Air Force too and he even said there isn't any better training or uniform better than the Marine Corps.
Fingers crossed they stay safe but the Marine states: Rifleman first.

We were told the Marines were, "First to go, Last to know". While the "jar head" was generally a derisive type of topic among fellow airmen, really everyone looks at the Marines as "the shit". And they are!

Congratulations on your double blessing. I doubt there is any parent who can be more proud of their child than those who wear the title of Marine parent. As a retired Coast Guardsman we have a long and storied history with the Marine Corps and are proud that our only Medal of Honor recipient was awarded it for saving the lives of over 500 Marines at Guadalcanal. Semper Fi.

Thank you for your service! I swear Coast Guard doesn't get nearly enough accolades. They're absolutely the ones pulling our troops out of the water and fighting the bad guys on the high seas. A good friend of the family served in the CG - he loved it! My youngest had intentions of joining the Air Force but his recruiter was an empty uniform so he followed his big brother to the office next door. Next thing I get is a phone call saying, "Hey Ma! OORAH!" I knew exactly what he meant. LOL

Would you like to see my bunghole?

Good to see you back and all is well, or better since you're able to be so proud.

Back in the day I used to manage a restaurant and I had a kid who worked for me tell me he was joining the Marines when he graduated from high school. I had dated a Marine and heard a little about how tough they were and of course they were the best branch, yada yada.

Anyway, this kid was quite the goof off and I told him he needed to prepare himself to be a Marine. I told him I was going to be tough on him at work to help him try to adjust his, attitude. For probably 3 months I gave the kid a hard time and always reminded him of his goal.

One of the first places he came when he got out of boot camp was to come see me. Wow, was he a changed boy, I mean man. He wanted to thank me for trying to help him prepare. He told me about how he had popped off with some comment and as a result his whole unit had to jog in place, in a sand trap, wearing 100 lbs of gear and holding their rifles overhead. This went on for quite some time apparently. I don't think that was the only time he caught hell, but he did say the whole time he was in that sand pit and his team was cussing him out, he wished he'd listened to me.

I hope when your boys finish their service they can join their family ranks of swapping stories, with no real bad stories to tell.

Ah yes... my son showed me the sand pit where he lived. LOL He did a lot of push-ups and running. My other son showed me his scuzz brush, which was nearly down to the nub. And the stories they told... My gosh, I nearly busted a gut laughing and equally burst with pride knowing my kids made it through.

My boys come from very loud households between immediate and step families to grandparents and so on. Yelling or being yelled at was never a problem. I was worried that my kids might start laughing when the smokey bear was toe to toe with them. You should have seen the men comparing gas chamber experiences. LOL It was the best entertainment of all.

Congratulations, @merej99! Your sons really look like tweens. I was just thinking to ask you if they really are or not when I arrived at the part of your story where you are commenting the same, so I figured out they are not, in fact. Anyways, even if they didn't become Marines you would have to be proud of them - they look like a very nice young man.

And I'm glad you are coming back to posting. Probably the most, because I'm coming back to reading and curating (maybe posting too - will see 😜), as I was very busy last few weeks too with very limited time for Steemit. I still have some things to do and finish, but only for next few days. From Monday afternoon (when I hope everything would be done) I'll be back in my regular routine with a bit more spare time for myself and that means for Steemit too. 🙂

Have a nice day, and once again - congratulations proud Momy! 🙂

When I got their official portrait it took me a moment to realize which son was which! LOL I am a very proud mama. They did good and it was tough because it was the first time they were both away from home like this.

Good luck with getting back to your regular routine! I'm still suffering from exhaustion. Now that the stress and travel is behind me I pray I don't get sick! :P Glad to see you're still around.

I hope that they stay safe and realize why they are in the next war and who they are (really) fighting for

While this really isn't what you want to hear, I have to admit that I echo @nzfxtrader's sentiments. I'd feel like a hollow hypocrite if I didn't say precisely the same.

Your sons' achievements are no small feat. You have every right to turn up the pride to 200% - It is warranted.

However I would suggest that they do whatever reading up on military law necessary lest they make you even more proud one day at great personal cost by simply doing that which is right and not doing that which is ordered - should they ever face such a situation (most likely abroad).

With that damp point out of the way - all the very best to your fine sons. :c)

Thank you for reading @nzfxtrader and @pathforger
Only my boys know what prompted them to join and what path they are on. I grew up in a military family (Army) and had to uproot every 3 years. My kids never experienced that. They only know that the majority of their male relatives served. If I was being completely honest, I've been looking at living an expatriate life and that's out the window if only to support my sons' decision. Like... if they're not fighting for mom and dad back home what the hell would they be fighting for, right? Hopefully their jobs will keep them out of the nasty shit. Fingers crossed.

Fine young men you've got there @merej99. I can absolutely understand why you are so proud of them. :)

They are so handsome in uniform. I could stare at them all day. Naw... that's not weird LOLOL

Oh I bet! I don't think that's weird at all! I'm always staring at my boys... I kind of can't quite believe how beautiful they are. I guess that's just being a mama. :)

Oh hi @merej99! Reading back from you after again a long time! I'm so glad to finally see your sons, they look perfectly same like twins!
You must be a proud mom anyway!
Have a lovely day ahead!

Even though they are almost exactly 2 years apart they have been close their entire life. I was surprised how alike they look in photos but in person you can definitely tell them apart. It's good to be back. There is so much catching up to do! I'm looking forward to seeing what deliciousness you post. :)

It's great to see brothers stay close like that, love it!
Oh i can understand how much you have to catch up, really a lot!
On top of some nice dishes, i am planning to launch a unique type of cooking contest soon named : Steemit Iron Chef. I have also created an account for this contest : @steemit-ironchef.
I'm looking for some sponsoring for the time being, i've got a couple of hands, but would really need some more to make it even better and attractive! Would be great if you can help in any way you can or suggest someone.
Thanks so much!

congratulations Meredith! :)

Thank you so much @paolobeneforti :)

I can only imagine how proud you are right now.
We all put our lives and all hopes in our children and all we want is for them to be happy.
Wish many new accomplishments and successes ahead!

I had the same wish for all of my boys: May they be healthy, happy, and strong. May they find joy in their life and may they outlive their mother by many, many years. Here's to success and wishes coming true.

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