Travels With Cleo #1 Start at the Start

in #personal6 years ago

How a strange and wonderful cat and a garden variety dipshit can come together in life.

Her full given name was Cleopatra Rex. She certainly looked the part, beautiful and regal and sleek. She was a cat, and I was her devoted servant for over 15 years.

This story revolves around her, but it is really part of my story. It’s probably going to come out in several parts, the tale of Cleo and me. Because, like they say at Facebook “It’s complicated”


She was one of five, born to a Blue Manx and a travelling salesman of a Tom. Not that her mother didn’t get around plenty, she did. The mom (Stumpy) had come to live at my Father’s farm when some friends had an emergency and left the cat. My father had no inclination to protect a cat’s integrity so Stumpy bred whoever was handy and mostly lived in a barn.

When Stumpy strolled up to the feed pan all the other creatures backed away, including some disreputable cattle dogs that would just back away from the food and wait until Stumpy was done.

Anyway, Cleo was born in the Spring of 1973. I was getting married in June, and my soon to be wife (and relatively soon to be ex wife) made no bones about needing a cat in our house. Cleo was a pretty little thing, a show quality calico with her mother’s general shape and her unknown father’s tail. Turns out that the Manx tail is a recessive gene and Stumpy never once passed it on to a farm cat. Had Cleo ever bred to a Manx the tail might have showed back up, but I wasn’t too inclined to protect a cat’s integrity, either.

I lived in a place known locally as “The Honeymoon Cottage”, a little teeny one bedroom bungalow on a postage stamp sized lot. It was ideal for a starter, didn’t take much furniture, didn’t demand much yard time, basically perfect. $75 per month included electricity and water. So Cleo and I shared a bachelor apartment for the first few months before my brand new wife moved in.

We had another roommate. Phoebe, my liver colored German Shorthair. She was a really good hunter, but not so good in the house. She just got too excited and mashed into everything. So, I put up a little kennel and darn near took care of my lawn mowing needs with it. A little strip around the kennel and a bit in front of the house and the lawn tasks were done.


Enter my brother Randy. We were always pretty close, and in the various times when we were single we spent a lot of time together. Randy didn’t like cats, and just couldn’t figure out why I might want to have one in my house.

He basically tortured Cleo without doing any harm. His favorite trick when she was little was to set her on top of an open door and walk away. She’d be stuck there until I saw her and put her back on the floor. That all ended when she was about 5 months old and she figured out how to get down by herself. When he turned she jumped on him and dug in. He jumped like crazy and she jumped to the couch. Problem solved. Randy was mad as could be and I was reduced to helpless laughter.

I really wish I had a photo to share with you all, but there was a dark side to me and Cleo and our days together. Not that I didn’t take thousands of photos of her, I did. But I was drunk, you see, and I lost everything from those days. By the dawn of the 1970s I was a full tilt practicing alcoholic and did not draw a completely sober breath during the 70s and 80s.

I told you it was complicated. More will be revealed in the story of Cleo and me.


It seems like your emotional connection with your cat is so close. Until anything anyone else does to the cat, you remember. RIP for your pet cat @bigtom13.

I'm a dog person, always been. But Cleo stole a piece of my soul. Fortunately, she was mostly gentle with it.

Thanks for your words. I appreciate them.

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Thanks Dunstuff! I'm not so sure I love cats, but I damn sure certain loved one.

I like being in on the ground floor, even the story telling kind and Cleo #1 looks like the start of some great tales or tails. My wife likes the cats also, so we got a little kitten right after we got married, he was a purebred barn cat as well. Jet black in color with big blue eyes and not one speck of white or any other color in his fur, naturally since I have always been a poker player he was given the name "Ace" , as in the Ace of Spades.
He ended up being one great guard cat, in fact people refused to come over unless we locked the cat up because he would attack strangers who even thought of going and looking at our babies when we started having kids. The first time my mother in law went to pick up our oldest boy when he was a baby from his bassinet the Acer jumped up and bit her on the arm before she lift him from the bassinet.
His reputation spread quickly with the wife's family and so he remains famous even until today for his protective instincts for the kids. He did pass when he was 18 years old and he is surely missed. Hard to find good guard cats, guard dogs are a dime a dozen, but a good guard cat has the element of surprise.

Sounds like my kind of cat. My mom didn't like to visit if Cleo was running free :) She protected her turf (where ever she happened to be standing) pretty well.

Beautiful articles. You are good to think about Cat and Dog. Thanks, bro @bigtom13

Thank you. Deeply appreciated.

Thanks for sharing this. I am guessing it can be hard to talk about some of this stuff sometimes, but I am happy to continue reading and listening! Beautiful animals!

I've known for a while that it is time for me to share my story. It's been bubbling for quite some time. Cleo is the lens that I can look through. It was just here that I first wrote her name. Ever. I'm not so good with intensely personal stuff, but I'm going to give this a shot.

Thanks for the encouragement and consideration. I really appreciate it.

Hey no problem. Sometimes it can be therapeutic although it seems you are doing much better and have most of those dark days behind you!

Sounds like a good story that can be under the tag @steemiteducation where fiction story is accepted too. Steemiteducation has a discord that you can join with members supporting one another too. Good quality articles can be selected for upvotes as well.

Thank you. This is not a fiction story. There might be some humor (or at least a failed attempt at humor) but I just have never been able to write fiction. I will post the next story in steemiteducation.

Thank you.

It can also be a real story actually as long as it is educational. It can be humorous too. You can also join steemiteducation discord where members do support one another articles.

This is a journey and a story I am looking forward to following. The relationships we have with our pets can have major impacts on our lives and in some ways share us. They are there with us through the good, bad and ugly of our lives. You are delving into your deep dark past and sharing who you are with us. My hat is off to you and I appreciate your struggle and journey to become who you are today. Such a great start to this story.

Thanks. I really appreciate that.

Cleo seems really interesting :) She saw you in some "interesting" days and I am looking forward to read the next part of your story.

You are right, she saw me through some incredible times. I'm looking forward to telling our story.

I'm a dog person all the way, but I understand what love is so I understand how to love a cat, even though I never loved one. I was always around dogs...

Thanks for sharing your personal things with us, I appreciate it a lot! Good day sir :D

I'm a dog person too. Never been any question of that. That this goofy cat and I bonded so closely is something of a miracle. She tortured the poor shorthair and mostly ignored the Springer that came next.

More to come. Thank you.

Im intrigued! Really enjoyed the beginning and looking forward to hearing about more adventures of you and Cleo! ♥

Cleo and I went through some stuff, there is no doubt about that. I hope we'll have some fun with the story.

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