ENGLISH IDIOMS: slippery slope

in #persian7 years ago

slippery slope

(Where an action leads to further worse actions)

I’m afraid he’s on a slippery slope to unemployment, if he’s not careful.

متأسفانه اگر مواظب نباشد، در مسیری قرار خواهد گرفت که به بیکاری ختم می‌شود.

مثال دیگر:

Some experts believe that building a superintelligent machine is like stepping on a slippery slope that will lead to the extinction of the human species.

برخی از کارشناسان بر این باورند که ساختن یک ماشین فوق‌هوشمند مانند قدم گذاشتن به گردابی است که به انقراض گونه‌ی بشر منجر خواهد شد.

This post is part of a series on English idioms for Persian speakers. You can find the other entries under the tag [ #idioms-tutorial ].


"Government decisions goes on slippery slope into financial disease"

Continuous drug habit is a slippery slope to poor health.

Thank u so much sir .

As an American, this is really helpful to see how you would translate into farsi.

خیلی عالی لطفا ادامه بدهید!

Great. Your post now a days not coming in hot trends. Why?

I don't know. The number of comments on my posts has actually increased.

Initiating fight with him is like a slippery slope.

Having an argument with him is slippery slope.

I suggest you to use another bot which is more profitable.

I am improving after reading your idioms.
well done sir.I look forward to seeing more beautiful idioms

Karim behavior will lead him down a slippery slope to ruin.

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