ENGLISH IDIOMS: right up one’s alley

in #persian7 years ago

right up one’s alley

در تخصص شخص

(In one’s specialty; to one’s taste.)

I have a mathematical problem that is right up your alley. I want to calculate the partial derivative of this cost function in order to use it in the gradient descent algorithm.

من یک مسئله‌ی ریاضی دارم که درست در تخصص شما است. می‌خواهم مشتق جزئی این تابع هزینه را محاسبه کنم تا از آن در آلگوریتم نزول گرادیان استفاده نمایم.

مثال دیگر:

I had been writing computer programs all my life so writing a book on programming seemed to be right up my alley.

من تمام عمرم برنامه‌های کامپیوتری می‌نوشتم، بنابراین، نوشتن کتابی درباره‌ی برنامه‌نویسی به نظر می‌رسید درست در تخصص من باشد.

This post is part of a series on English idioms for Persian speakers. You can find the other entries under the tag [ #idioms-tutorial ].


As a blockchain technology is right up your alley, so can explain me what the Lightning Network really is?

@ghasemkiani In addition to this, would you consider posting translations of Farsi idioms into English? I don't know how easy that is, but I'd love to learn.

Thank you for the suggestion. That's a really good idea. However, it will have a smaller audience, since it will be suitable mostly for English-speaking people who want to learn Persian at an advanced level. For this reason, I think I'll continue the current series for now.

oh, that makes sense. great job btw!

In addition to "right up my alley" you can also say something is "within my wheelhouse," as both mean "within one's area of expertise."

Brilliant idioms...Loved the tutorial idioms...@ghasemkiani

idiom is used when something is very expensive

so nice idiom thanks for sharing informative and useful idioms keep it up god bless you

good sentence

great idioms.good post keep it up

Its very nice Persian idiom @ghasemkiani

Great job Sir.Nice Learning skill's. I'm so happy To see it.

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