ENGLISH IDIOMS: name after

in #persian7 years ago (edited)

name after

به نام کسی نام‌گذاری کردن

(To give someone the name of another person.)

They named their newborn baby after his grandfather.

آنها نوزادشان را به نام پدربزرگش نام‌گذاری کردند.

مثال دیگر:

They named this university after an engineer who donated a large sum for its expansion.

این دانشگاه را به نام مهندسی که مبلغ زیادی را برای توسعه‌ی آن اهدا کرد، نام‌گذاری کرده‌اند.

This post is part of a series on English idioms for Persian speakers. You can find the other entries under the tag [ #idioms-tutorial ].


"The new born was named after her grandmother, ho passed away exact birth day."

Thanks for the tutorial.

every country use english as i know
so the idiom of english is need for use this language
i have encourage about persian language
thanks for sharing this type of idiom tutorial


Nice posting again..

I like this post my dear. all the best.....

She was named after her great great grandmother.

Samsung company is named after its founder.

We named our baby after my uncle.

I was named after my mother's best friend :)
Wonderfull idioms sir @ghasemkiani

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