in #persian7 years ago

count as

به‌عنوان … به شمار آوردن

(To consider someone to be a particular type of person or to consider something to have a particular quality.)

We have had some success with our past products, but this new products is something else. I count it as our golden product.

ما با محصولات قبلی‌مان تا حدودی موفقیت داشته‌ایم، ولی این محصول جدید یک چیز دیگر است. من آن را به‌عنوان محصول طلایی خودمان به شمار می‌آورم.

مثال دیگر:

He is a good friend and I am proud to count him as a partner at this firm.

او دوست خوبی است و من مفتخرم که او را به‌عنوان یکی از شرکای این شرکت به شمار آورم.

This post is part of a series on English idioms for Persian speakers. You can find the other entries under the tag [ #idioms-tutorial ].


example A: Last night I played games with a strong opponent and although in the end it was a 7-7 draw, I still COUNT that AS a personal victory

example B: the mathematical outcome was incorrect due to some biased inputs yet I still COUNT its method AS valid

example C: it wasn't a high score but I still COUNT it AS my year's best result

example D: I COUNT @ghasemkiani AS a personal friend although we've never met in person

You're so kind, @scipio. Thank you.

example E: should we COUNT her contribution AS valid and approve it after all?

"It doesn't count as rape, Keep that in mind"

Thanks, realization is help for own-self

good sentence bro

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

It is very educative post. Thank you sir @ghasemkiani.

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