ENGLISH IDIOMS: clunk down

in #persian7 years ago

clunk down

با صدای تَرَق افتادن یا انداختن

(To drop or fall heavily, making the sound “clunk.”)

During the hurricane last week, a relatively big tree clunked down on my car and damaged the roof and the windshield.

در طوفان هفته‌ی گذشته، درخت نسبتاً بزرگی روی ماشینم افتاد و به سقف و شیشه‌ی آن آسیب رساند.

مثال دیگر:

He clunked the box down on the table, then picked a kitchen knife and opened it.

او جعبه را محکم روی میز گذاشت، بعد یک کارد آشپزخانه برداشت و آن را باز کرد.

This post is part of a series on English idioms for Persian speakers. You can find the other entries under the tag [ #idioms-tutorial ].


The guys lugged the couch inside and clunked it down in the middle of the living room.

great idioms going great always.. keep it up

Personally i like this english language, and idoms- tutorial so good..

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

Thanks my dear.....

very nice dear ghasem

Honestly it's really great. Big family. Sometimes i can't find my own comment. And i wonder can @ghasemkiani sir find my comment or read that. :p

Of course. I read most of the comments.

That's really sweet of you.

This is new to me. Present form is clink down?

That's another verb. For verbs, I always use the infinitive form (without "to") in the heading.

Thanks for sharing for about idioms tutorial.I will
wait for your next post.
Thanks @ghasemkiani

Luck was so good to survive. Maybe it's an evil sign.

graet idioms .... and nice translation

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