ENGLISH IDIOMS: pull oneself together

in #persian6 years ago

pull oneself together

خود را جمع‌وجور کردن

(To compose oneself.)

You really need to pull yourself together before you waste all your time on this silly project of yours.

واقعاً باید خودت را جمع‌وجور کنی تا تمام وقتت را صرف این پروژه‌ی احمقانه‌ات نکنی.

مثال دیگر:

After failing the university entrance exam, he decided to pull himself together and try again in the next year.

پس از رد شدن در امتحان ورودی دانشگاه، تصمیم گرفت خودش را جمع‌وجور کند و سال بعد دوباره امتحان بدهد.

This post is part of a series on English idioms for Persian speakers. You can find the other entries under the tag [ #idioms-tutorial ].


example A: I really don't feel like training today but I need to anyway so I better PULL MYSELF TOGETHER

I know you're stressed out, but you need to pull yourself together and get this report done! I hope she pulls herself together soon. We need her to be focused!

example B: if you want to ask her out on a date, I know it feels a bit scary, but you better PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER and do it!

example C: there were some mice in the attic making noise, so she PULLED HERSELF TOGETHER, went up, and caught them

example D: it can feel like a personal victory when you PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER and complete that task!

example E: PULLING ONESELF TOGETHER is a path for personal growth on many occasions

Really great post

Yeah, appreciate

Hi Bro
NicE Post

Sir, I'm a big fan of your idioms, I love your writing, your idioms help me to day by day very much. . Thank You @ghasemkiani

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