ENGLISH IDIOMS: break bread with

in #persian7 years ago

break bread with

با کسی نان و نمک خوردن

(To eat a meal with someone.)

I treasure the times we broke bread with you and heard your marvelous stories.

خاطره‌ی اوقاتی که با شما غذا می‌خورردیم و به داستان‌های دل‌انگیز شما گوش می‌دادیم، برایم بسیار گرانقدر است.

مثال دیگر:

I would be happy if you could come by and break bread with us sometime.

خیلی خوشحال خواهم شد اگر بتوانید زمانی به خانه‌ی ما بیاید و با ما نان و پنیری بخورید.

This post is part of a series on English idioms for Persian speakers. You can find the other entries under the tag [ #idioms-tutorial ].


To break bread with one's enemy is the fastest way to find common ground.

"He literally doesn't break bread with the rest."

I would like to break bread with you.

Sometimes its good to take some time off and break bread with our family.

There is joy and happiness when family have good times, it creates a bond of togetherness


I would like to break bread with you at night

I ve Just broke bread with My friend,he cooked Very well.nextweek he Will invite me for dinner at his house.

She yelled at her friend, "We should break bread before the meal gets cold"

Its felt hilarious When we broke bread with our friends in the reunion moment,there Were full of joy.

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