in #persian7 years ago

listen up

گوش فرادادن

(To listen carefully.)

Listen up, guys. I have a big announcement to make.

گوش کنید، بچه‌ها. می‌خواهم موضوع مهمی را اعلام کنم.

مثال دیگر:

Everyone listen up, so I don’t have to repeat myself. We will have a quiz tomorrow on what we have learned so far.

همه گوش کنید تا مجبور نباشم دوباره تکرار کنم. فردا از چیزهایی که تا حالا یاد گرفته‌ایم، امتحان می‌گیریم.

This post is part of a series on English idioms for Persian speakers. You can find the other entries under the tag [ #idioms-tutorial ].


"Listening up is a golden characteristic nowadays"

عالیه کارت آقای کیانی Thumbs up :)

so nice idiom keep it up

We are through for the day tomorrow is another day.

Students should listen up to their teachers.

Please focus and listen up to what the lecture is teaching in front.

Listen up to your heart to love anyone, not your eyes.


Listen up everyone, this is a really serious announcement I am going to make.

Listen up please!! I want to leave you Because Im not Happy to be with you and you always lied about anything.

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