European border police at Kosovo-Albania border

The European Union has deployed its European Board and Coast Guard officers – FRONTEX, at Kosovo-Albania border. They are helping Kosovo authorities in fighting criminality and identification of the falsified documents.
Izabela Wiewior from the FRONTEX press office told Radio Free Europe that the deployment of their officers at the borders of Western Balkan countries aims at strengthening of cooperation with countries outside the European Union. “FRONTEX is currently present at Kosovo-Albania border within the Coordination Point of Joint Operations ‘Land 2018’. This operation is being implemented since the end of February 2018. FRONTEX has sent two of its high level officers to help local authorities to discover falsification of documents,” said Wiewior. Kosovo is not the only country of the region hosting the FRONTEX police officers, they are also present in Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro. Around 100 EU police officers are deployed in the region. The EU took the decision to deploy its police officers at the border crossings after the flow of refugees towards European Union countries.frontex-1526042733-1349541_1526057578-1640160.jpg

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