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RE: Complementing the Earthship: The Permaculture Garden

in #permaculture6 years ago

Very awesome post once again. The hugel mounds is something I already kind of started here... it just takes me a while to build because of all the other things we're getting into!

I really like the spiral herb garden, maybe I can build one before my wife gets back, she would be so happy! Her and the little homie are gone for two weeks 😣.

Susan has a beautiful plan for this garden and for the entire permaculture aspect of the land! It's inspiring for sure.

I have a friend in Seattle who may want to come help you guys build a little. It's not too far right?


Oh yes, please do! All of these things are bits and pieces of techniques to try. And especially the herb spiral can be set up super quickly if you have all the materials ready.
Yes, Seattle is not too far, and we're happy about all visitors, especially if they want to stay for a few days and help out!

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