Planting blackberries. January 4, 2019

It's Friday y'all! Fridays are usually busy days, and today takes the cake so far. It's almost 2 PM as I start writing this post, and it's been an adventurous day already!

When I got home, it was 34°F (something like 2°C). The warmest it's been for two days, and the sun was out to boot! What a treat :)

Our first project was to plant five blackberry crowns that I bought from @mountainjewel via Homesteaders Co-op.


The kids tagged along to help. Sophie carried the plants and stayed by my side being helpful and learning. Sam carried the spade and ran off incessantly with Sawyer who carried the flags that I used to mark the spots where I planted.

First I went around the yard and picked the largest frostbitten comfrey leaves from all around the yard.


This marks our first formal harvest of the comfrey crowns and cuttings we planted this summer.

My method, after finding the place to plant five bushes, was to dig a small hole, a bit larger than the roots. I softened the soil around the hole as well. Then I added the chopped up comfrey and planted the crowns.


Two got planted in the food forest above the top swale, two got planted in the sharing garden where they'll double as shade-makers for our shaded garden area, and one got planted in the north project. All marked with flags and mulched generously with leaves.


When we started, it was about 35° out, and when we finished it was 45°. It is currently 55° at 2:30.

What a gorgeous day.

Be blessed.
Be fruitful.
Stay relevant.


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Love it! Excited to see what you’ve done, the comfrey leaves is a nice touch. I’m happy you got them in the ground already and wish you the best of future harvest ;)

Woo! Soon we'll be ordering true comfrey and clover seeds so we can sow them all over with the bushes.

Your soil looks delicious :)

You oughtta smell it! It's pretty good soil I suppose. Could obviously be better, but who's couldn't? I love soil. Our place here has two different types. In the south, it's more Sandy and red. In the north, it's more loamy and black. Trying to get more organic material in it all over.

That is so great that you have different soils to work with :)

I haven't thought a lot about it yet, but I'm sure there's a lot of things I could do with that.

To have such contrast on such a small piece of property was surprising to me when I first noticed it.

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