
Dancing around your plants along with singing and talking and PRAYING to your plant (while touching it) really did work for my plants! i started talking to my ayahuasca plant which was very droopy, now its very healthy and i swear its because i talked to it AND i trouched it i grabbed the plant and hgeld it tight while i thought about it coming back to life etc, and it did! And i never do stuff like that!

I was realy amazed to see how well that worked, but the plants also just need light and water and soil and god air flow, i feelk like we should be growing all sorts of plants in space (indoor basically) and imagine if we do an experiment showing how evcen if you have a Intercom and talk top ur plants over SPEAKERPHONE even from spacem if the p[lants hear a human voice even if its over a speaker system, it will still respond well top that voice! So even if your growing plants in a strict indoor scientific setting onbaord Elon Musks Luxury space liner cruise ship, youll stil;l get to play music for the plants and talk to them even if your mamanging a facility on mars al the way from earth ,

Imagine growing plants on mars using obot farmers! theyll have bipedal robots that can go around and make manual changed, trim plants etc, it will be cool to seethen walking around, in the martian greenhouse, growing all sorts of food and making oxygen for us when we arrive, i bet robots could have massive cities ready for us with alot of plants already grown by the time we get there


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