Permaculture Wisdom

in #permaculture7 years ago

Chapter 4 of the legendary Bill Mollison's "Permaculture, A Designers Manual" is worth a read for anyone even outside of the Permaculture sphere. One of his more famous quotes "The problem is the solution." has ended up being true every time I reach a new depth of understanding regarding some life situation I had considered a "problem". A quote like this will ring true exactly because this concept is true on all levels of reality.

While it has ended up true without fail so far, it has also become the starting point to understand a "problem" in such detail that the archetypal patterns or characteristics of the item, person, or situation begin to reveal themselves. The subconscious mind thinks in Archetypal or Symbolic language. Therefore, consciously bringing your awareness to that level of your psyche during meditation facilitates the more efficient solving of a problem. The most effective method I've found to familiarizing yourself to these Archetypal & Symbolic languages is done by studying your native Mythology along side some of the more easily digestible books on Jungian Psychology.

Another famous Permaculture quote from a book and author I hold on equal standing to Mr. Mollison whom is quoted above would be from Masanobu Fukuoka. Distilling the entire philosophy of Religion in with that of Permaculture he states "The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of the human being." This quote again rings true on multiple levels and across multiple professions. Understand the patterns of nature and how to beneficially manipulate them to your desired outcome opens a whole new world of possibility and understanding.


Permaculture is awesome!! :) Love Mollison quotes and ways of thinking.

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