What to do with the useless people?

in #permaculture7 years ago (edited)

I don't mean this is a derogatory way I mean it literally.

No-one really knows what the job market is going to look like in the next 10 -30 yrs but it is clear that automaton will advance and it seems likely that with that advancement more and more humans will have less and less work to do. The whispered question that will likely become louder in the coming years is what to do with all the useless people?

A simple option could be that we reestablish bonds with our biological ecosystem, growing food and beauty for ourselves and communities and rely on technology to run the administration and provide the mod cons. I’m not proposing a return to a peasant class or hunter gatherer lifestyle but an evolution that balances the advantages of technology with an appreciation and experience of the natural rhythms of life.

Maybe this re connection to our biological environment will contribute to a better human experience, certainly it will provide us with independent food security and purposeful activity.

Will we grow ?

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The Balkan Ecology Project is a permaculture-inspired, grassroots project based in South Eastern Europe. We are devoted to the design and exploration of ecologically-sound human habitats and serve as a demonstration and education site for visitors from all over the world. Our efforts aim to develop thoughtful approaches to food, shelter, community and commerce, while promoting and preserving the unique biological diversity associated with the Balkan region and the world at large.


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