A Five Minute Video Tour of Some Swales at Tapalou GuildssteemCreated with Sketch.

Hey Steemians!

I was out in the field cleaning up some of the perennial plantings laid out in swales at our farm, Tapalou Guilds.  I thought I would take a shot at a short "VLOG," which I assume means "Video LOG."  So what does the "B" stand for in BLOG then?  You'd think I would know, being on this blogging platform called Steemit and all.  Anyway...here's the video and a couple of other thoughts that I didn't say during the filming.

The timing worked well for this because the clover had gone to seed and the goldenrod had not.  All of that organic matter chopped up and left to decompose on the surface will just add to the soil over time.  Even though I want to encourage the clover, the goldenrod still has its place in the ecosystem, of course.  It's great late season nectar for the honey bees, for one.

Hope you all are doing well out there and thanks for watching, and thanks even MORE for yunkin'!

Hey Mate

love your work. I can see you have a problem common to many swale makers, not enough planting stocks to "capture the site" in terms of maintenanance
see how your comfrey really thrives, that a great example of the weed suppressions its capable of
youll be mowing a lot over coming years till those trees get up
i f i may give some pointers based on my own experience, to reduce your workload and fuel bill , you can dig into that comfrety now, and pull up a bucket full of roots
those can be planted in a ring around and almost up the the base of your trees, it'll form a sward that will really help your trees by suppressing weeds
the comfrey spike roots will dig deep and are compatible with the fruit tree roots that are both surface and deeper
ive done this and it works great
in addition its good to look around your area, esp on old fields and forest edges and find short lived herbaceous legumes and other colonisers that can fill the gaps for a few years and be shaded out longer term
Lupins are great in cooler climates, Alfalfa/ lucerne is also good
shrubs like Elaeagnus are great gapfillers
its good to examine in wastelands what is growing and observe the successional colonisation, youll probably find all you need growing locally

also non seeding/ low seed clumping grasses like Miscanthus are great for mulch and wed suppression. They will shade out as the trees grow

jeruslaem artichoke is another good gapfiller

Hey Reville, I appreciate your thoughtful response and insight. I will take your suggestions to heart!

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