Mothers Don't Be Confused Anymore, These are Myths and Facts in Caring for Babies

There are so many myths that have developed so far regarding baby care. Let's know the truth so.


There are lots of recommendations and restrictions circulating when caring for babies, especially newborns. It's not uncommon for taboos to be just myths, aka they can't be proven true, they don't even make sense. Some examples of myths say babies should not be taken outside the house for fear of getting sick from seeing spirits. Then there's more, babies must be swaddled tightly so that their legs don't bend. Indirectly, the suggestion of this myth makes parents afraid and confused. For that, let's find out the real facts about baby care myths according to the doctor's explanation below.

Different Cultures, Different Ways to Take Care of Babies


These myths and facts are inseparable from everyone's culture. All of these recommendations and restrictions are generally carried out from generation to generation until they eventually become habits. according to dr. Devia Irine Putri, these habits are actually just myths that are closely related to the family's own culture. It's just that, dr. Devia believes that mothers are now more open-minded about these things. "Yes, usually those who believe in this myth, right, from their parents, yes. Most of the mothers now have a broad mind, can search on the internet and can also ask questions to the doctor," said dr. Devia Irine.

Myths and Facts in Caring for Babies

In fact, there are lots of baby care myths floating around. However, there are some of the most common examples, such as the following.

  1. Babies are given coffee to prevent seizures according

to dr. This Devia is a baby care myth that should not be believed. The reason is, babies don't need caffeine intake and giving coffee to babies has no nutritional benefits. The habit of giving coffee to babies actually causes health problems to continue. In essence, babies only need breast milk and nutritious food to support their growth period.

  1. The baby continues to suckle, the mother's milk is not enough?

A baby who continues to suckle does not mean that the mother's milk is not enough or empty, this is clearly a myth. This condition can occur when the baby is experiencing a growth spurt phase or the baby is experiencing a growth spurt. The signs, your little one is breastfeeding more often. This condition generally only lasts for a few days.

  1. Don't Carry It Frequently, Later "Smelly Hands"

Again, this is an unfounded baby-care myth. Explained by dr. Devia, hand odor is something that doesn't involve the baby's physical and mental development. In fact, by holding, can make the baby feel calm and safe. "There is no term smelly hands, holding is one way to calm the baby, making the baby feel safe and comfortable," said dr. Devia Irine.

  1. Use a pillow filled with rice so that the head doesn't get tired

The baby's weak head is usually caused by pressure on one side. Doctor Devia advised not to use pillows filled with rice. To prevent the baby's head from pinning, you can simply change the position of your little one's head. For example, positioning the baby by sleeping on his right or left side alternately. Apart from that, you can also routinely do tummy time sessions or lay your baby on your stomach when your little one enters the age of five months.

  1. Paste the Coin in the Navel So It Doesn't Fool

Is it often recommended to use coins in the baby's udel after giving birth? You should think again if you want to do this baby care myth. Newborns do tend to have a protruding navel. However, 90 percent of the protrusion of the navel will disappear with time the child's development. So, does anyone guarantee that the coins used in the child's navel are clean and useful? Instead of preventing bulging, a child's navel can actually get clogged with bacteria from coins and cause infection!

  1. Swaddling So Her Legs Are Straight

The myth of swaddling babies is the most common. Many say that swaddling a baby aims so that the child's legs will not be "O" shaped. This was denied by dr. Devia. According to him, the purpose of swaddling is to warm the body and make your little one feel comfortable when hugged. If you want to swaddle, you don't need to be too strong, this risks making the baby's breath short.

  1. Babies often cry, a sign of seeing ghosts

The myth is that a baby who likes to cry at night for no reason is a sign of seeing a ghost. In fact, babies may be entering a purple crying phase. In this phase, babies will cry continuously for no reason and this is one way for them to communicate. For example, communication because the diaper is wet or even hungry to suckle.

  1. Don't leave the house before you are 40 days old

In addition to swaddling, many parents also believe in not allowing babies to leave the house for 40 days. He said, taking babies outside the house, in addition to immunization and sunbathing, can cause them to have convulsions due to encounters with spirits! In fact, this recommendation is intended because babies aged 40 days and under are still susceptible to external diseases. This is because the newborn's antibodies are not fully formed.

  1. Hair is shaved continuously so that it is dense

There are still many who believe that when babies are often shaved, their hair will grow thicker when they grow up. In fact, medically speaking, thin and thick hair depends on the genetics of their parents, not because they are balding them continuously. For that, there is no need to shave the baby's hair too often. One-one can cause irritation of his scalp due to razor blades.

  1. Pinch the Baby's Nose So It's Pointy

Your baby was born with a flat nose? If until now you are still pinching it with sharp goals, you are doing the wrong thing. A sharp or flat nose in babies is caused by the hereditary factors of their parents. Pinching a baby's nose hard or too often will actually make him uncomfortable because his nose hurts. Well, some of the baby care myths above have been straightened out, huh. Before deciding on the style of caring for the baby or providing nutrition to the baby, it is best to consult a pediatrician first. Later the doctor will determine the right treatment according to the condition of each child. To be more practical.

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