Pepes ikan Aceh

in #pepesikan7 years ago

Good night stemians..
this time I will share how to make pepes aceh fish.


Ingredients for 4 servings:
6 fish that have been cleaned.
Lime juice
Cooking oil.
curry leaves.
Lime leaves.
banana leaf

Ground spices:
3 red chili
1 clove of garlic
15 red chili
3 cloves of red onion
3 segments of turmeric
8 dried sunti fruit
3 pieces of candlenuts


Clean the fish, sprinkle with salt and juice of lime juice for the smell of fishy loss. Allow 15 minutes

Blend the spices on top, add salt. A little tips, so that the flavor and aroma typical of spices remain, when blender seasoning, replace with oil.

Smooth slices of lime leaves and lemongrass. Mix with the spice and add curry leaves

Seed fish with the spice, Pepes using banana leaves.
Steam for 1 hour.

Pepes Aceh fish ready to serve.


Bahan-bahan untuk 4 porsi :

6 ekor ikan yang sudah dibersihkan.
Air jeruk nipis
Minyak goreng.
daun kari.
Daun jeruk.
daun pisang

Bumbu Halus:
3 cabe merah
1 siung bawang putih
15 cabe rawit merah
3 siung bawang merah
3 ruas kunyit
8 buah asam sunti kering
3 buah kemiri

Langkah :

Bersihkan ikan, taburi dengan garam dan perasan air jeruk nipis agar bau amisnya hilang. Biarkan 15 menit

Haluskan bumbu diatas, tambah garam. Sedikit tips, agar rasa dan aroma khas bumbu tetap bertahan, ketika bumbu blender, ganti dengan minyak.

Iris halus daun jeruk dan serai. Campurkan dengan bumbu halus tadi dan tambahkan daun kari

Balut ikan dengan bumbu tersebut, pepes menggunakan daun pisang.
Kukus selama 1 jam.

Pepes ikan Aceh siap di sajikan.




Good Post ..ame apnak upvote r comment korii bt apne koran na kno bro??

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