Story makes a story - People Photography by Worldcapture Week #34


I saw him going along the main street and stopped trying to see into the market where was open street party, crowded, noisy and cool of course unusual for this place and this time of day. I took a picture of him peeping to the side of a party place. he saw that I was looking at him with interest and asked me if I took his picture. I started a conversation. a big part of the last was my sentences and his approving silence:
– yes, I took a picture of you.
– … (he came closer wanting to see the photo)
I showed the picture of him and a few taken before – cool photographs of partying and dancing happy, young people.
he turned his face to the side :
– I can’t look on this …
– but they are not naked or something – they are just happy in their emotions.
– … (no answer)
– can I take a portrait of you? – I asked.
– what do you mean?
I explained to him in a few words
– why me? – he asked.
– I found interesting how curious you are, how much power and strength in your look.
– power?
– yes, power! so can I take the portrait of you?
– one picture …
I took three – the second one was just for the backup in case if he will wink and another one with the step backward – I wanted to bring more environment to the moment but I found the first click as successful.
– how can I get the picture – he asked me.
– I can send you by mail if you have one.
he shook his head from left to right and back.
– I can bring you a printed photo.
– one picture … – he said.
I asked him for his name.
– Joseph – he said.

Life is too busy and I did not notice that almost half a year passed since we met. last week I just did it, I painted his portrait in a little bit bigger size that he wanted to see it and went to search for my stranger. I was lucky that I met him exactly at the moment when he and his mom were on the stairs on the way to somewhere. (he told me the address when we first met, so it was very easy to find the street and the building). After half a minute of recollections, he smiled and said that he absolutely forgot about this moment. ok, I opened the paper-covered print and he smiled again. So this time I asked him for a picture with the picture of him in his hands and finally, I got what I wanted. I closed the circle and Joseph got his portrait. thank you, everybody.

The original first portrait of Joseph.

And in this pose I found him :

Posted for the People Photography by Worldcapture Week #34 contest hosted by @worldcapture
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What an interesting story and a great portrait. Nice work Victor. U+R

thank you very much!

This is an incredible story, along with a couple of great images. I would wish you luck in the contest, but I honestly don’t think you will need it. U & R.

hey, my friend, @kunschj
huge thank you for the kind words!
we all need some luck :-)

You are very welcome :-D

What an amazing post!!! :D I love it. These are the best connections we make in life <3

yes, you're absolutely right!
thank you for taking a look and for the kind words :-)

Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours. Thank You very much for participating.

thank you very much !

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