Shower Thoughts Thursdays: The Rich and the Poor

in #people6 years ago (edited)

Then there was another internal monologue. An epiphany? A random thought? A strong thud or a joyful lull?

As I mentioned in one of my similar posts my brain is never quiet. I am constantly wondering about things. I am constantly having moments of shock, of strong realizations, of sorrow, of utmost joy or even other random shit. Me and my dear friend were discussing a while ago about just how 'broke' we are right now. I for one never had shit tons of money. We were not starving or anything but we also never spent money just because we could, because, we could not. She asked me "Do you think we will ever experience the crazy amount of luxury those rich kids do? With their drivers and expensive spas and vacations in expensive locations?" A monologue begins...

"Sometimes I look at kids from very rich families, going through life getting everything that they will ever want, and I get jealous as to why I can't have that too, or if I will ever have that. In that moment I come face to face with a truth. I get to have an adventure, a journey where I get to see the rough and if I really want, I'll see the riches too. There will be a story, a story worth telling. You know why, because the adventure belongs to us, the ones on the rough side."

Something to think about?

Written by @things, 2018. All rights reserved.
Image by Pexels


When I was younger I felt this jealousy... now I see it for what it is... a limiting belief. If I want to live that life, I can. AND, because I worked to achieve it I stand a better chance to truly appreciate it.

That is literally what I wanted to say, you have put it so nicely. If you already have everything you do not understand its worth and like you said you can never fully appreciate it. It's like only when you are starving and that you finally get the food that you can appreciate it and then each and every flavor comes out and dissolves in you making it so much more special.

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