Loud people in public...

in #people8 years ago

Disclaimer: I'm not really one to make rant things like this, but this really really upset me, and I felt the need to speak my mind
So... Tonight after running to the store with my cousin, we decided to get some ice cream. As we are walking in, there is this man in an obnoxiously loud truck, while it makes me feel uncomfortable, i don't say anything and keep walking. We reach the door, and this guy is leaning against his car, and yelling at the man in aforementioned truck. It wasn't just one yell, it was a constant "I need your attention right now" kind of yell. I give a look to my cousin and we hurry inside. It's late-ish, so there is hardly anyone inside. I was very happy, because after dealing with the stress of Walmart, and then men outside, one just wants to relax and eat their ice cream (like the true child I am). We sit down and are talking, and this guy walks in. I cringe as he yells out at the guys across the room "HEY!" and walk/runs over to his friend and gives him a high-five. They start talking really loudly to each other, which is frustrating in it's own, but the language they are using would make a sailor blush. It's extremely hard to ignore, or carry a conversation over. Thankfully he isn't inside for very long, I'm not even really sure of the purpose of his visit... It didn't really ruin my ice cream, but I thought it was significant enough to share with the world

What I would like to know, is: Why do people feel the need to be so loud? Maybe it's just because I'm normally inclined to be on the quiet side, even when speaking, but I really don't understand. I don't necessarily think he is a bad person, as I don't know him personally, and I'm not the type to judge others, but this situation was so abrasive. Am I in the wrong for being so upset by this?
Alright, well I'm done. Sorry about this, I don't think i'll post a lot of things like this, as I said I just needed to get it off my chest. Thank you for reading this, I hope it was interesting or at least slightly entertaining.
Have a wonderful evening (:


I feel the same way when people are being very loud in public. I believe it's simply their lack of respect for others that causes them to intrude on others personal space without a second thought. If they actually respected and cared for those around them they would conduct themselves more civilly and not act like the world revolves around them! >:(

I agree! Part of the reason I don't like leaving the house lol

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