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RE: Announcement – BTS Snapshot Date

in #peerplays8 years ago (edited)

OpenLedger it's like Bitshares wallet online, but you private keys are stored in Browser cache localy! 3rd party servers don't know your keys! And for this reason it is important to backup your wallet with your new account ASAP to bin file.
Lightwallet it is also browser based. You can download it here :


I understand ... I have run my own local server that connects to the OpenLedger's websockets (mainly because I was too idiotic to figure out how to get a full bts 2.0 node running).

I haven't participated in a dropshare before. All I wanted to know is if I could have my username already be created (which it is) and have (more) funds moved into my account and be credited during sharedrop, without having to go through the whole sign-up through OL.

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