Widening The Net: More Potential Suspects For Pizzagate

in #pedophilia8 years ago

I posted an article yesterday about The Clinton/Silsby/Alefantis connection. Without reiterating the whole thing; there is a connection between the Clintons, Hillary in particular, and Laura Silsby, a convicted child sex trafficker. Also, James Alefantis is connected as well. Although not tied directly to Silsby, his lawyer, Max Maccoby of Butzel Long in Washington is one of the directors of Friends of the Orphans (mentioned yesterday). There are some questions about the law firm as well, in regards to pedophilia symbols allegedly contained in the company's logo.

Michael Maccoby, Max's father is associated with an organization called Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, who operates orphanages throughout Latin America, including the orphanage that collapsed during the 2010 earthquake. The story of Silsby should be familiar by now. As a director of Friends of the Orphans, she was arrested attempting to smuggle 33 "orphans" into the Dominican Republic after the collapse of the orphanage. As it turns out, they weren't orphans at all, but children that had been kidnapped for all intents and purposes. Silsby, was represented by Jorge Puello, a convicted sex trafficker himself, wanted in several countries. Michael Maccoby "coaches" volunteers and staff at the Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos.

Max Maccoby, Michael's son, represented James Alefantis and David Brock in a $850,000 lawsuit. Brock has ties to the Clintons, he was deeply involved in Hillary's 2008 run for the White House. Maccoby (Max) is a shareholder in the law firm, Butzel Long. The logo of the firm is said to contain pedophile symbology...something called "the golden triangle." Now it appears the Maccoby's need to be looked at as well. There are a few articles I found on Voat.com that I'll post the links to. I will keep investigating and report what I find. One of the articles contained a video from 2015 that I'll post as well. What is important about the video (other than it's content) is that it comes from the MSM- an ABC affiliate.


You should see if you can't crowd source some networking analysis software; the kind of stuff the natsec guys use to look for potential terror cells and the cops use to help identify OC members

here's the first part of the discussion based on your post from yesterday

I have no idea what you're talking about! Network analysis software...I wouldn't know how to use it if I found it. All computers are to me are glorified typewriters

basically it would graph connections between people, indicating which folks had more contatcs with which other folks,

the folks investigating these allegations just dont have the resources to buy this kind of software, and we know the politics and media won't investigate

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