Pizzagate Update Update

in #pedophilia8 years ago

I would like to begin by thanking my friend @fulltimegeek for his generosity. He's absolutely correct, this story needs to be kept going. The power elites and their propagandists in the MSM will do everything they can to silence it. However, it needs to be kept going with fact, not fantasy. @Titusfrost left me a comment saying that he wouldn't touch this story (the one from yesterday's post) and I don't blame him one bit. The only reason I posted was because something about the story smelled fishy. Last night, I thought and thought about it and finally it came to me. It was as obvious as the nose on my face (and being Italian, that's pretty damned obvious).

After rereading the email correspondence between James Alefantis and the alleged "victim," it came to me. This guy was an employee of Comet Ping Pong. To be an employee, you have to be an adult (or at least an older teen). What I discerned from the emails was an attempt to establish a homosexual relationship between Alefantis and the "victim," which the latter rebuffed. There was NO pedophilia here, only an attempted homosexual relationship.

I believe that the reason that Alefantis can go on television and claim that he's not a pedophile with a straight face is because it's true. What I believe, is that Alefantis is something far worse, a pimp. I think that Alefantis is a child sex trafficker that provides children for Washington's power elites...that's why a pizza shop owner is one of the 50 most powerful people in Washington. The picture of the little girl taped to a table is an advertisement. So are the other pictures of people (his friends) with children that are found on his Instagram account and everywhere else. This is just what I think, but it does make sense.

The narrative produced by this latest "victim," that Alefantis' sexual advances caused him to have PTSD 8 years later, makes no sense. Give me a break...he is so traumatized over something that happened 8 years ago that he now needs therapy and can't answer questions directly? He needs therapy alright! Yesterday I smelled something fishy. Today, I'm calling bullshit! @titusfrost is absolutely right.

I commend David Seaman, he's one of the only people striving to keep this narrative alive. But, I'm kind of surprised that he didn't see through this specious claim. Stories like this do more damage than good. We need evidence, some kind of "smoking gun." We need to keep this story in the forefront, but with fact not fantasy.


I would like to begin by thanking my friend @fulltimegeek for his generosity.

You're very welcome. Glad I can help the little bit I can.

I commend David Seaman, he's one of the only people striving to keep this narrative alive.

Yes, I also hold David in high regard for his #PizzaGate work. The following is a list of people that I'm aware of that are keeping this topic alive:

I'm sure I'm missing a TON of people b/c I didn't include any usernames. I don't go on there that much b/c I'm dedicating a lot of my time to Steemit.

I just learned about Ben Swann recently and now get notifications when he uploads something on Y-Tube. I watched a video that traces the banksters back to the Spanish-American War and Ben was in it along with G Ed Griffin, it was excellent! And thank you!

If you still have the link please share it. I would def watch it.

For some reason this guy repeats his videos.. When the credits start rolling (around 2:10 or so) shut it off. He just starts the same thing again.

Great post, followed you back. They are attempting to sweep Pizzagate under the rug. I say lets give that rug a good shake

Amen! We need to keep the narrative alive.

i just find it odd that not 1 investigation had taken place yet by police? :/ pretty damning accusations being made

I agree. I thought when Ben Swann reported it something would start then. There's something going on, but God only knows what.

100% agree about JA and PTSD

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