The Normalization of EVIL - Pedophilia - Meet MAP

in #pedophilia6 years ago

MAP: Minor Attracted Person


Evil spreading

Evil is spreading across the world. The LGBT PLUS 'community' is proudly seeking to add pedophilia, nicely wrapped in a harmless term: MAP to their midst. When once homosexuality and its derivatives were viewed as an unnatural perversion, the globalist-steered left now continuously claims special rights for their bedroom habits.

Sodom & Gomorrah

If these sexual practices stayed there, in their dark bedrooms and would not be elevated to a new demonic species with special entitlements, if heterosexuality was not demonized by those who are engaging in behavior that would put the perished inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah to shame, if our children would not be abused by force-fed sexual preferences from the earliest age in government facilities - so be it.

No Tolerance

But you are engaging in child abuse by displaying your sexual habits in public and force them onto our children. This is a crime. You have no right to abuse our children and indoctrinate them by shaming these most vulnerable little people into acceptance of that which you do.

Because, by doing so, you are opening the doors for the acceptance and normalization of Pedophilia, Bestiality, Necromancy, and other unspeakable deviances. Shame on you! You are selfish, and you are child abusers. For this behavior, I have no tolerance. None!

Underaged 'Consent'

You have helped a new era of evil to rais its ugly head!

While UNESCO and other globalist criminal organizations promote the subjective, unscientific and dangerous practice to encourage even minor children to 'choose' their own gender - the door is opened to equal this subjective 'choice' with consent to sex. From there, it is only a small step to outlaw the prosecution, even mere criticism of pedophilia. Enter Islamism & the Babylonian Talmud, the wet, filthy dream of the globalist demons whom you are following.

Can the reader see the multi-dimensional road to hell that this practice is aiming to lead us on?

MAP - The poor, misunderstood victim

The misguided minion of globalist/satanic deceit is drinking the cool-aid, believing the globalist religion: The poor Minor Attracted Person, misunderstood and deprived of sexual enjoyment is made the victim. Yet the children in this world are silently screaming under the abusive burden of your lustful, selfish perversions!


Hollywood is Hellywood. For the most part, a Chinese owned, demon-possessed cabal of deranged perverts, disguised enemies of life and liberty. Liberalism is Enslavement. Liberated from God's law, these people have lost their soul in sin that now supports crimes against the most vulnerable of society - our precious children.

Hellywood will help sell the victimhood of the MAP and push for their acceptance. This a crime against humanity, and the people who support it by watching the perverted films will be as guilty as their makers. May God have mercy on your soul - but chances are you may already be soul-less, without conscience, without regret, without compassion, with love only for yourself. The wages of sin is death.


What is a

  • Hebephile
  • Ephebophile or a
  • Nepiophile? What are the powers that support this criminal evil?
    My little Infographic tries to summarise on one page.

MAP - Minor Attracted Person.png

Steemians say NO! to Pedophilia

Steemians are better than that.

We say NO! to any form of pedophilia - no matter how MAP sickoes are portrayed as support-needing victims.

If it was for me, I'd have you locked up in a forced labor camp for life, never to be released into society again. And if I catch any of you in the act, I will make sure you will never to it again.

Thank you for reading.


Proud Supporter of PAL and the - The Minnow SupportProject
Christopher "The Hat" Hatfield @globocop

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It seems incredible to me that with the issue of acceptance, every time they go further, I worry in demacia these things that are spoken with respect to children, I have a brother, cousins of more, I do not want their vulnerable brains feel obliged to accept things that they do not want
I admire your way of speaking and I thank you for sharing this information I will investigate a bit more with respect, a hug and may God bless you.

The most important thing to remember is that we cannot solve spiritual problems with material solutions.
Such evil, veiled in kindness, acceptance, equality, human rights (at the cost of other people's rights) and other good sounding perhaps good-intentioned proposals, lead to destruction. The road to hell is paved with good intentions - the saying goes.

If we look at it from a Biblical perspective, consider Genesis 6. Where did sexual perversions originate then? From the fallen angels. It is the same today. Most people do not understand - even most Christians are blind to a reality that is coming true once again; As it was in the days of Noah AND after that... (emphasis mine). Why am I bringing all this up?

To help expose the agenda of the enemies of life in the hope to awaken as many people as possible, so that they may be prepared for what's to come.

Thank you for reading Carla. Hugs & Stay Blessed.

unfortunately many people start with good intentions get lost along the way, the best way is to raise awareness among people and above all try to rescue as many people as they may not even realize that socially and spiritually they commit unpleasant and harmful actions for others.
I want to live in a world full of peace, where everyone cares about the people around them, who help those who need and help create a better society. I put my two cents in my country with @oneopportunity and I would like to see more people act from the heart in search of a better world.❤️❤️❤️

I get so excited when I read your highly charged posts.


Criminal, satanist, pedo promoter, globalist, Hellywood agent, Clinton pal and demon-possessed Sarah Silverman in her own words: Is that whose side you're on?

I for one, support the innocence of children - not the sicko deviants of evil.

I have chosen my side. Quoting the lying scum at shows an incredible amount of brainwashed ignorance.

If you had read my article carefully you would have noticed that I am referring to LGBT PLUS.


... wut to everything except supporting the kids. Totally for all of that. Pedo shit is incredibly fucking wrong and I know a lot of victims personally.
But can you give me a reputable source on this "LGBT PLUS" adding pedo's to their umbrella? Or if the plus group is even a legitimate or genuine LGBT group? That I would like to see as I haven't found a single one yet, only stuff saying "WE DO NOT SUPPORT THIS!".
Can I get a sauce, sir?

Take your pick:
Pedo Defense from the vermin itself:

OR check a REAL news website:

There are many more... is FAKED NEWS

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