
I hope the employee sings like a canary.

From your keyboard to the gods' ears. Notice how the people who are getting caught are higher and higher up the food chain? Trump and Sessions are rolling these guys up like drug lords. This is going to break open soon.

I think you're right. Like him or not, President Trump is going to deliver on this. I don't think it is possible for him to get re-elected if this is stagnant in 2020.

Trump is an odd mix, but I think on the big things, peace in the middle east, the budget, etc. he's going to be all right. I won't like a lot of his methods but he'll move a lot of things in the right direction... and a lot in the wrong.

Better than Hillary who would've been all bad.

Thats a wise breakdown. I hope you're correct. I think we should all want success.

I think President Trump kept Comey on long enough to make sure he had to testify to congress. Once Comey had testified a few key things, it was time to oust him so that when the indictments do come, they come from the FBI Director that Trump chooses. Paying attention to Anonymous Scandinavia, Embassy cat, Kim Dotcom, and Julian Assange, I suspect there is a time planned for this to have the greatest effect.

Agreed. The timing is important here. This is why Lady Podesta was out the other day railing on Trump. He's one of the ones getting rolled up for either pedogate or Seth Rich. Doesn't matter he's really dirty and if you go after these people you get one shot... don't miss.

In other words, aim small, miss small. :)

12D Chess my friend.

I am thinking that Trump/Sessions are prepping the battlefield; the judiciary is still polluted with leftists

I hope they understand that the bulk of LE, military, veterans, and hunters will stand by them however this turns out

🎯 bulls eye

Comey was the plug at the bottom of the swamp. Once he was pulled it's beginning to drain.

Imagine my shock...

I am not compiling statistics, but it looks like these cases are breaking more often since January...admitting that this may be a center-of-focus bias

I agree with you. It has been accelerating alongside the power of the people getting nabbed. Someones' going to sing soon, or you will see pressure on Trump ease sharply from certain people.

I notice Lindsay Graham has been decidedly less anti-Trump in the past two weeks.

Miss Lindsay is probably bleachbitting or smashing with a hammer every computing device he has even looked at over the last 20 years LOL

Too true, mate ... too true.

The people rounding all these sick twisted fucking demons must be getting higher up the food chain with their round up. 🙏🏻

Socialists want everything.. as long as it doesn't effect them

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